Recent Species

Genus: Ajigaurospora
Class: Sordariomycetes Subclass: Hypocreomycetidae
Order: Microascales
Family: Halosphaeriaceae

Genus: Lanspora
Class: Sordariomycetes
Order: Phomatosporales
Family: Phomatosporaceae

Genus: Calophoma
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Pleosporales
Family: Didymellaceae

Genus: Paralulworthia
Class: Sordariomycetes Subclass: Lulworthiomycetidae
Order: Lulworthiales
Family: Lulworthiaceae

Genus: Paralulworthia
Class: Sordariomycetes Subclass: Lulworthiomycetidae
Order: Lulworthiales
Family: Lulworthiaceae

Genus: Annabella
Class: Leotiomycetes
Order: Helotiales
Family: Cordieritidaceae

Genus: Roussoella
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Pleosporales
Family: Thyridariaceae, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae

Genus: Pontoporeia
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Pleosporales
Family: Halotthiaceae, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae

Genus: Neocamarosporium
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Pleosporales
Family: Neocamarosporiaceae Wanas., Wijayaw., Crous & K.D. Hyde, Studies in Mycology 87: 245 (2017), Subclass Pleosporomycetidae

Genus: Morosphaeria
Class: Dothideomycetes
Order: Pleosporales
Family: Morosphaeriaceae, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae

Higher Classification - Part 6


Updated 16 July 2024

Green highlight not yet published

Halosphaeriaceae continued

Aniptosporopsis K.L. Pang, C.L. Lu, W.T. Ju et E.B.G. Jones, Botanica Marina 60: 459 (2017)

  1. #A. lignatilis(K.D. Hyde) K.L. Pang, C.L. Lu, W.T. Ju et E.B.G. Jones, Botanica Marina 60: 459 (2017) on woody substrates

Anisostagma K.R.L. Petersen & Jorg. Koch, Mycol. Res. 100: 209 (1996)

  1. A. rotundatumK.R.L. Petersen & Jorg. Koch, Mycol. Res. 100(2): 211 (1996) on woody substrates

Antennospora Meyers, Mycologia 49: 501 (1957)

  1. #A. quadricornuta(Cribb & J.W. Cribb) T.W. Johnson, J. Elisha Mitchell Scient. Soc. 74: 46 (1958) on woody substrates and shells

Appendichordella R.G. Johnson, E.B.G. Jones & S.T. Moss, Can. J. Bot. 65(5): 941 (1987)

  1. A. amicta(Kohlm.) R.G. Johnson, E.B.G. Jones & S.T. Moss, Can. J. Bot. 65(5): 941 (1987) on woody substrates often associated with sand

Arenariomyces Höhnk, Veroff. Inst. Meeresf. Bremerhaven 3: 28 (1954)

  1. A. majusculus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 411 (1989) on woody substrates
  2. A. parvulus Jorg. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 6(4): 497 (1986) on woody substrates
  3. #A. trifurcatus Höhnk, Veroff. Inst. Meeresf. Bremerhaven 3: 30 (1954) on woody substrates often on sand grains
  4. A. triseptatus Kohlm., Marine Ecology, [PublicazionidellaStazioneZoologica Napoli I] 5(4): 333 (1984) on woody substrates often associated with sand
  5. A. truncatellus Jorg. Koch, Mycotaxon 124: 70 (2013) on woody substrates

Bathyascus Kohlm., Revue Mycol. 41(2): 190 (1977)

  1. B. avicenniae Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 23(8): 530 (1980) saprobic on woody substrates,
  2. B. grandisporusK.D. Hyde, Bot. Mar. 30(5): 413 (1987)
  3. B. mangrovei Ravik. &Vittal, Mycol. Res. 95(3): 370 (1991) on woody mangrove substrates
  4. B. tropicalis Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 23(8): 532 (1980)
  5. B. vermisporus Kohlm., Revue Mycol., Paris 41(2): 191 (1977) on deep sea wood

Carbosphaerella I. Schmidt, FeddesRepert. 80(2-3): 108 (1969)

  1. #C. leptosphaerioides Schmidt, NaturNaturschutz Mecklenberg 7: 9 (1969) on woody substrates often associated with sand
  2. C. pleosporoidesI. Schmidt, Feddes Repert. 80: 108 (1969) on woody substrates often associated with sand

Ceriosporopsis Linder, Farlowia 1: 408 (1944)

  1. C. caducaE.B.G. Jones & Zainal, Mycotaxon 32: 238 (1988) on woody substrates
  2. C. cambrensisI.M. Wilson, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 37(3): 276 (1954 on woody substrates and test blocks)
  3. C. capillacea Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 59(7): 1314 (1981) on woody substrates
  4. #C. halimaLinder, Farlowia 1(3): 409 (1944) on woody substrates, test blocks, widespread
  5. #C. intricata(Jorg. Koch & E.B.G. Jones) Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46: 99 (2011) on woody substrates
  6. C. minuta Abdel-Wahab, Nagahama & E.B.G. Jones, Botanica Marina 60: 475 (2017)

Chadefaudia Feldm.-Maz., Revue Generale de Botanique 64: 150 (1957)

  1. C. balliae , Mycologia 65(1): 244 (1973) parastic on alga Ballia callitricha
  2. C. corallinarum(P. Crouan & H. Crouan) E. M ll. &Arx, The Fungi (London) 4A: 116 (1973) saprobic/ on various clacaerous alga
  3. C. gymnogongri (Feldmann) Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 16(4): 202 (1973) parastic on algae
  4. C. marina Feldm.-Maz., Rev. Gen. Bot. 64: 150 (1957) saprobic on the red alga Rhodymenia palmata
  5. C. polyporolithi(Bonar) Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 16(4): 205 (1973) parasiti on calcifiec red algae
  6. C. schizymeniae Stegenga & Kemperman, Bot. Mar. 27(9): 443 (1984) saprobic/parasitic on algae

Cirrenalia Meyers & R.T. Moore, American Journal of Botany 47 (5): 346 (1960)

  1. #C. macrocephala(Kohlm.) Meyers & R.T. Moore, American Journal of Botany 47 (5): 347 (1960) on wood, test blocks

No sequence data to confirm their phylogenetic assignment of the following taxa

  1. C. basiminutaRaghuk. & Zainal, Mycotaxon 31 (1): 163 (1988) on woody subatrates
  2. C. pseudomacrocephalaKohlm., Mycologia 60: 266 (1968) on woody substrata, saprobic

Corallicola Volkm.-Kohlm. & Kohlm., Mycotaxon 44(2): 418 (1992)

  1. C. nana Volkm.-Kohlm. & Kohlm., Mycotaxon 44(2): 418 (1992)

Corollospora Werderm., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem: 248 (1922)

  1. C. armoricana Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 67(5): 1281 (1989) Saprobic on woody substrates
  2. #C. baravisporaSteinke & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 35: 88 (2009) Saprobic on woody substrates, associated with sand
  3. C. besarispora Sundari, Mycol. Res. 100(10): 1259 (1996) Saprobic on woody substrates, associated with sand
  4. C. californicaKohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 40(3): 225 (1997) ( Saprobic on woody substrates)
  5. C. cinnamomeaJ rg. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 6(4): 498 (1986)
  6. C. indica Prasann., Ananda & K.R. Sridhar, J. Environ. Biol. 21: 235 (2000)
  7. #C. intermediaI. Schmidt, NaturNaturschutzMecklenberg 7: 6 (1970) saprobic on rotting agla Fucus vesiculosus, sediments, sea foam
  8. #C. lacera(Linder) Kohlm., Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 75: 126 (1962) Saprobic on woody substrates, associated with sand, sea foam, decaying thalli seagrasses
  9. #C. maritima Werderm., Notizbl. Knigl. Bot. Gart. Museum Berlin 8: 248 (1922) Saprobic on woody substrates, associated with sand, seagrasses, sea foam, widespread
  10. #C. mediterraneaA. Poli, E. Bovio, G.C. Varese and V. Prigione, Applied Sci 11: 5452 (2021) isolated from seawater contaminated by an oil spill, Sicily, Italy
  11. C. mesopotamicaAl-Saadoon, Marsh Bulletin 2: 135 (2006)
  12. C. novofusca Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 34(1): 34 (1991) Saprobic on woody substrates,
  13. #C. quinqueseptata Nakagiri, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Jpn. 28(4): 430 (1988) Saprobic on woody substrates, associated with sand

Corollosporella E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 26 (2023)

  1. #C. anglusa(Abdel-Wahab & Nagahama) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 26 (2023) saprobic on wood, Egypt, genes sequenced: ITS and 28S
  2. C. ramulosa(Meyers & Kohlm.) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 26 (2023) saprobic on wood, widely distributed.

Corollosporopsis M.F. Caeiro, P. Correia & E. Azeved, J. Fungi 9: 27 (2023)

  1. #C. portsaidica(Abdel-Wahab and Nagahama) M.F. Caeiro, P. Correia & E. Azevedo, J. Fungi 9: 27 (2023) saprobic on wood, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S

Five other new species remain to be described

Cucullosporella K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Mycotaxon 37: 200 (1990)

  1. #C. mangrovei(K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones) K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Mycotaxon 37: 200 (1990) Saprobic on woodymangrove substrates

Cucurbitinus L.L. Liu & Z.Y. Liu 2020, Phytotaxa 455 (2): 124 (2020)

  1. C. constrictus(I. Schmidt) L.L. Liu & Z.Y. Liu, in Liu, Liu, Yang, Chen & Liu, Phytotaxa 455(2): 126 (2020)
  2. C. ibericusHern.-Restr. & Gené) L.L. Liu & Z.Y. Liu, in Liu, Liu, Yang, Chen & Liu, Phytotaxa 455(2): 126 (2020)

Ebullia K.L. Pang, Mycoscience 56: 40 (2015)

  1. #E. octonae(Kohlm.) K.L. Pang, Mycoscience 56: 40 (2015) Saprobic on woody substrates

Garethelia E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 28 (2023)

  1. #G. parvula(Zuccaro, J.I.Mitch. & Nakagiri) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 28 (2023) saprobic on wood, Germany, Japan. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S

Gesasha Abdel-Wahab & Nagahama, Nova Hedwigia 92(3-4): 501 (2011)

  1. #G. mangroveiAbdel-Wahab & Nagah., Nova Hedwigia 92(3-4): 507 (2011)
  2. #G. peditatusAbdel-Wahab & Nagah., Nova Hedwigia 92(3-4): 502 (2011)
  3. #G. unicellularisAbdel-Wahab & Nagah., Nova Hedwigia 92(3-4): 505 (2011)

Haiyanga K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Raffles Bull. Zool., Suppl. 19: 8 (2008)

  1. #H. salina(Meyers) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Raffles Bull. Zool., Suppl. 19: 8 (2008) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks

Haligena Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 3: 87 (1961)

  1. #H. elaterophora Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 3: 87 (1961) Saprobic on woody substrates, Spartina,

Halosarpheia sensu stricto Kohlm. & E. Kohlm., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 68(2): 208 (1977)

  1. #H. fibrosa Kohlm. & E. Kohlm., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 68(2): 208 (1977) saprobic on various timber species, mangrove wood, driftwood
  2. H.japonica Abdel-Wahab & Nagah., Mycol. Progr. 11(1): 89 (2013) on driftwood
  3. #H. trullifera(Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, S.T. Moss & Cuomo, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 80(2): 200 (1983) saprobic on woody materials
  4. #H. unicellularisAbdel-Wahab & E.B.G. Jones, in Abdel-Wahab, Pang, El-Sharouny& Jones, Mycoscience 42(3): 255 (2001) saprobic on woody materials

Halosarpheia sensu lato

  1. H.bentotensis Jorg. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 2(2): 165 (1982) on marine driftwood
  2. H.culmiperda Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. & O.E. Erikss., Mycologia 87(4): 532 (1995)
  3. #H. marina(Cribb & J.W. Cribb) Kohlm., Marine Ecology, [Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica Napoli I] 5(4): 345 (1984)
  4. H. minutaF. Leong, Can. J. Bot. 69(4): 883 (1991) on mangrove wood
  5. H. phragmiticola Poon & K.D. Hyde, Bot. Mar. 41(2): 143 (1998)

Halosphaeria Linder, Farlowia 1(3): 412 (1944)

  1. #H. appendiculataLinder, Farlowia 1(3): 412 (1944) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks

Halosphaeriopsis T.W. Johnson, J. Elisha Mitchell Scient. Soc. 74: 44 (1958)

  1. #H. alopallonella (Meyers & R.T. Moore) Devadatha & E.B.G. Jones, Bot. Mar.: 10.1515/bot-2023-0032, 12 (2023), on driftwood, test panels submerged in the sea, wide variety of host substrates
  2. #H. mediosetigera(Cribb & J.W. Cribb) T.W. Johnson, J. Elisha Mitchell Scient. Soc. 74: 44 (1958) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks

Havispora K.L.Pang & Vrijmoed, Mycologia 100(2): 293 (2008)

  1. #H. longyearbyenensisK.L. Pang & Vrijmoed, Mycologia 100(2): 293 (2008)

Honshuriella P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 29 (2023)

  1. H.fusca(Nakagiri & Tokura) P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 29 (2023) Saprobic on wood or on sand. Widely distributed: Japan, South Africa, Hawaii. Genes sequenced: four isolates across all ribosomal RNA regions and the RPB1 gene, three ITsequences, 28S, 18S RBP1 sequences.

Iwilsoniella E.B.G. Jones, Syst. Ascomyc. 10(1): 8 (1991)

  1. I. rotundaE.B.G. Jones, Syst. Ascomyc., 10(1): 8 (1991) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks

Jinshana K.L. Pang, M.W.L. Chiang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Diversity (2024)

  1. J. tangtangiae K.L. Pang, M.W.L. Chiang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Diversity (2024). Saprobic on trapped wood in a rocky shore, Taiwan. Molecular data: LSU, SSU

Keraliethelia P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 30 (2023)

  1. K. pulchella(Kohlm., I. Schmidt and Nair) P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 30 (2023) saprobic on wood, widely distributed. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S s

Kitesporella Jheng & K.L. Pang, Bot. Mar. 55: 462 (2012)

  1. K. keelungensis J.S. Jheng & K.L. Pang, Bot. Mar. 55(5): 462 (2012)

Kochiella Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46: 96 (2011)

  1. #K. crispa(Kohlm.) Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46: 96 (2011) Saprobic on woody substrates

Lautisporopsis E.B.G. Jones, Yusoff & S.T. Moss, Mycotaxon 67: 1 (1998)

  1. L. circumvestita (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, Yusoff & S.T. Moss, Can. J. Bot. 72(10): 1558 (1994) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks

Lignincola Höhnk, Veroff. Inst. Meeresf. Bremerhaven 3: 216 (1955)

  1. L. conchicolaJ.K. Liu, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Mycotaxon 117: 344 (2011) on decaying marine palm
  2. #L. laevis Höhnk, Ver ff. Inst. Meeresf. Bremerhaven 3: 216 (1955) Saprobic on woody substrates, test blocks
  3. L. nypae K.D. Hyde & Alias, Mycol. Res. 103(11): 1417 (1999) On rhizomes and petioles of Nypa fruticans
  4. #L. tropica Kohlm., Marine Ecology [PubblicazionidellaStazioneZoologica Napoli I] 5(4): 355 (1984), saprobic on woody substrates

Limacospora Jörg. Koch & E.B.G. Jones, Can. J. Bot. 73(7): 1011 (1995)

  1. L. sundica(Jörg. Koch & E.B.G. Jones) Jörg. Koch & E.B.G. Jones, Can. J. Bot. 73(7): 1013 (1995) Saprobic on woody substrates

Luttrellia Shearer, Mycologia 70(3): 692 (1978)

  1. L. estuarina Shearer, Mycologia 70(3): 693 (1978)

Magnisphaera J. Campbell, J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 546 (2003)

  1. #M. spartinae (E.B.G. Jones) J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 547 (2003) On culms of Spartina species.

Keraliethelia P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 30 (2023)

  1. pulchella (Kohlm., I. Schmidt and Nair) P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 30 (2023) saprobic on wood, widely distributed. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S

Marinospora A.R. Caval., Nova Hedwigia 11: 548 (1966)

  1. M. calyptrata (Kohlm.) A.R. Caval., Nova Hedwigia 11: 548 (1966) saprobic on a wide range of timbers, drfitwood
  2. #M. longissima (Kohlm.) A.R. Caval., Nova Hedwigia 11: 548 (1966) saprobic on a wide range of intertidal timbers

Moana Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92 (4): 418 (1989)

  1. M. turbinulata Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 418 (1989) driftwood

Morakotiella Sakay., Mycologia 97(4): 806 (2005)

  1. #M. salina (C.A. Farrant & E.B.G. Jones) Sakay., Mycologia 97(4): 806 (2005) saprobic on marine driftwood

Nais Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 4: 409 (1962)

  1. #N. inornata Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 4: 409 (1962) saprobic, intertidal and driftwood, bark

Nakagariella P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 30 (2023)

  1. N. filiformis (Nakagari) P. Correia, E. Azevedo & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 31 (2023) saprobic on wood and sand, widely distributed. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S s

Natantispora J. Campbell, J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 543 (2003)

  1. N. lotica (Shearer) J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 543 (2003) Senescent and decaying substrata in mangroves
  2. #N. retorquens (Shearer & J.L. Crane) J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 543 (2003) On a wide range of marine woody subtrates
  3. #N. unipolaris K.L. Pang, S.Y. Guo & E.B.G. Jones, In Liu et al. Fungal Divers. 72:19 (2015) saprobic on driftwood

Nautosphaeria E.B.G. Jones, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 47(1): 97 (1964)

  1. #N. cristaminuta E.B.G. Jones, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 47(1): 97 (1964) saprobic on driftwood

Neptunella K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 2(1): 35 (2003)

  1. #N. longirostris (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 2(1): 35 (2003) saprobic on woody materials

Nereiospora E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 87(2): 204 (1983)

  1. #N. comata (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 87(2): 206 (1983) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, bark, sea foam
  2. #N. cristata (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 87(2): 206 (1983) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, bark, sea foam

Nimbospora J. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 2(2): 166 (1982)

  1. N. bipolaris K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Can. J. Bot. 63(3): 611 (1985) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood
  2. #N. effusa Jrg. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 2(2): 166 (1982) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,

Nohea Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Syst. Ascomyc. 10: 121 (1991)

  1. #N. umiumi Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Syst. Ascomyc. 10: 122 (1991) saprobic on wood
  2. N. delmarensis (Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.) Abdel-Wahab, Mycotaxon 115: 448 (2011) saprobic on wood
  3. #N. spinibarbata (Jrg. Koch) Abdel-Wahab, Mycotaxon 115: 448 (2011) saprobic on driftwood

Oceanitis Kohlm., Revue Mycol. 41(2): 193 (1977)

  1. #Oceanitis abyssalis Y. Nagano & Abdel-Wahab, Phytotaxa 663(4):174 (2024), on sunken wood found on the abyssal plain at 5707 m depth, Northwest Pacific Ocean, Japan. Molecular data: ITS, LSU, SSU
  2. #O. cincinnatula (Shearer & J.L. Crane) J. Dupont & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Res. 113(12): 1357 (2009) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,
  3. #O. scuticella Kohlm., Revue Mycol., Paris 41(2): 194 (1977) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, deep sea
  4. #O. unicaudata (E.B.G. Jones & Camp.-Als.) J. Dupont & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Res. 113(12): 1357 (2009) Saprobic on polyurethane panels
  5. #O. viscidula (Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.) J. Dupont & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Res. 113(12): 1358 (2009) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, test block/panels, mangrove roots

Ocostaspora E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T Moss, Bot. Mar. 26: 353 (1983)

  1. #O. apilongissima E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, Bot. Mar. 26(7): 354 (1983) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,

Okeanomyces K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 146(2): 228 (2004)

  1. #O. cucullatus (Kohlm.) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 146(2): 228 (2004) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, mangrove wood, pneumatophores
  2. #O. marinus Calabon, E.B.G. Jones, Boonmee & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-020-00458-2, [28] (2020)

Ondiniella E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, Bot. Mar. 27: 136 (1984)

  1. #O. torquata (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, Bot. Mar. 27(3): 136 (1984) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,

Ophiodeira Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 66 (10): 2062 (1988)

  1. #O. monosemeia Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 66(10): 2062 (1988) saprobic on driftwood

Panorbis J. Campbell, J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 544 (2003)

  1. #P. viscosus (I. Schmidt) J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer, Mycologia 95(3): 544 (2003) Saprobic on intertidal woody material

Paraaniptodera K.L. Pang, C.L. Lu, W.T. Ju et E.B.G. Jones, Botanica Marina 60: 460 (2017)

  1. P. longispora (K.D. Hyde) K.L. Pang, C.L. Lu, W.T. Ju et E.B.G. Jones, Botanica Marina 60: 460 (2017) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,

Paracorollospora E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 31 (2023)

  1. #P. angusta (Nagakari & Tokura) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 31 (2023) saprobic on wood, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S
  2. #P. marina (Haythorn & E.B.G. Jones) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 322 (2023) saprobic on algae, Great Britain
  3. #P. luteola (Nakagiri & Tubaki) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 32 (2023) saprobic, Japan, India, Sweden

Pileomyces K.L. Pang & Jheng, Bot. Stud. 53: 536 (2012)

  1. #P. formosanus K.L. Pang & J.S. Jheng, Bot. Stud. 53: 536 (2012) unidentified trapped bamboo culm, mangrove

Praelongicaulis E.B.G. Jones, Abdel-Wahab, & K.L. Pang, Fungal Divers. 73: 54 (2015)

  1. #P. kandeliae (Abdel-Wahab & E.B.G. Jones) E.B.G. Jones, Abdel-Wahab, & K.L. Pang,. Fungal Divers. 73: 54 (2015) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,

Pseudolignincola Chatmala & E.B.G. Jones, Nova Hedwigia 83(1-2): 225 (2006)

  1. #P. siamensis Chatmala & E.B.G. Jones, in Jones, Chatmala & Pang, Nova Hedwigia 83(1-2): 226 (2006) intertidal wood

Remispora Linder, Farlowia 1(3): 409 (1944)

  1. R. hamata (Höhnk) Kohlm., Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 74 (7): 305 (1961) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, Spartina spp.
  2. #R. maritima Linder, Farlowia 1: 410 (1944) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, test panels
  3. R. minuta E.B.G. Jones, K.L. Pang & Vrijmoed, Can. J. Bot. 82(4): 486 (2004) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,
  4. #R. pileata Kohlm. Nova Hedwigia 6(3-4): 319 (1963) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood
  5. #R. quadri-remis (Höhnk) Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 2: 332 (1960) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood
  6. #R. spitsbergensis K.L. Pang & Vrijmoed, Mycologia 101(4): 533 (2009) Saprobic on intertidal drift wood,
  7. #R. stellata Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 2: 334 (1960) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood
  8. #Remispora submersa M. Gonçalves, A. Abreu & A. Alves, Mycologia: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1875710, 4 (2021)

Saagaromyces K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 2(1): 35 (2003)

  1. #S. abonnis (Kohlm.) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol Progr 2(1): 35 (2003) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,
  2. #S. glitra (J.L. Crane & Shearer) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 2(1): 35 (2003) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,
  3. #S. mangrovei Abdel-Wahab, Bahkali & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 72:32 (2015) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,
  4. #S. ratnagiriensis (S.D. Patil & Borse) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 2(1): 35 (2003) Saprobic on intertidal and drift mangrove wood,

Sablecola E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang & Vrijmoed, Can. J. Bot. 82(4): 486 (2004)

  1. #S. chinensis E.B.G. Jones, K.L. Pang & Vrijmoed, Can. J. Bot. 82(4): 486 (2004) Saprobic on drift wood,

Shirahamella E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 33 (2023)

  1. S. gracilis (Nakagiri & Tokura) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9: 33 (2023) saprobic on wood, widely distributed. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S

Thalassogena Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Syst. Ascomyc. 6: 223 (1987)

  1. Th. sphaerica Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Syst. Ascomyc. 6(2): 225 (1987) Saprobic on drift wood,

Thalespora Chatmala & E.B.G. Jones, Nova Hedwigia 83(1-2): 228 (2006)

  1. #T. appendiculata Chatmala & E.B.G. Jones, in Jones, Chatmala & Pang, Nova Hedwigia 83(1-2): 229 (2006) Saprobic on drift wood,

Tinhaudeus K.L. Pang, S.Y. Guo & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 75: 160 (2015)

  1. #T. formosanus K.L. Pang, S.Y. Guo &E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 75: 164 (2015) Saprobic on drift wood,

Tirispora E.B.G. Jones & Vrijmoed, Can. J. Bot. 72(9): 1373 (1994)

  1. T. mandoviana V.V. Sarma & K.D. Hyde, Australas. Mycol. 19(2): 52 (2000) Saprobic on drift wood,
  2. #T. unicaudata E.B.G. Jones & Vrijmoed, Can. J. Bot. 72(9): 1373 (1994) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, timber test panels

Tokurathelia M.F. Caeiro, E. Azevedo & P. Correia, J. Fungi 9: 33 (2023)

  1. T. colossa (Nakagiri and Tokura) M.F. Caeiro, E. Azevedo & P. Correia, J. Fungi 9: 33 (2023)Distribution: Japan, South Africa, Thailand, Malaya, Taiwan, India. Genes sequenced: ITS, 28S

Toriella Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46(1): 99 (2011)

  1. T. tubulifera (Kohlm.) Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46(1): 100 (2011) Saprobic on drift wood,

Trichomaris Hibbits, G.C. Hughes & Sparks, Can. J. Bot. 59(11): 2123 (1981)

  1. T. invadens Hibbits, G.C. Hughes & Sparks, Can. J. Bot. 59(11): 2123 (1981) saprobic/parasitic on Tanner crab

Tubakiella Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46: 97 (2011)

  1. #T. galerita (Tubaki) Sakay., K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Fungal Divers. 46: 99 (2011) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood, test panels

Tunicatispora K.D. Hyde, Aust. Syst. Bot. 3: 712 (1990)

  1. T. australiensis K.D. Hyde, Aust. Syst. Bot. 3(4): 712 (1990) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood,

Microascaceae Luttr. ex Malloch, Mycologia 62: 734 (1970)

Acaulium Sopp, Skrifterudgivneaf Videnskabs-Selskabeti Christiania. Mathematisk-NaturvidenskabeligKlasse 11: 42 (1912)

  1. A. acremonium (Delacr.) Sandoval-Denis, Guarro & Gen, Studies in Mycology 83: 199 (2016)

Cephalotrichum Link, Magazin der Gesellschaft Naturforschenden Freunde Berlin 3 (1): 20 (1809)

  1. C. stemonitis (Pers.) Nees, Magazin der Gesellschaft Naturforschenden Freunde Berlin 3 (1): 20 (1809)
  2. # C. gorgonifer (Bainier) Sand.-Den., Gené & Guarro, Persoonia 83: 207 (2016) Isolated from Posidonia oceanica
  3. C. microsporum (Sacc.) P.M. Kirk, Kew Bull. 38(4): 578 (1984). China, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, from an unidentified red alga collected from a sand beach, Weihai city, from an unidentified brown alga, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  4. C. nanum (Ehrenb.) S. Hughes, Can. J. Bot. 36: 744 (1958). China, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo city (121°4636.72 E, 29°5815.42 N), from intertidal sediment of a mudflat, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  5. C. purpureofuscum (S. Hughes) S. Hughes, Can. J. Bot. 36: 744 (1958). CHINA, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen city, from Sargassum canfusum collected from a gravels beach, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1

Dactyliodendromyces Barnés-Guirado, Cano-Lira & Stchigel, Journal of Fungi 10(4, no. 236): 7 (2024)

  1. #D. holomorphus Barnés-Guirado, Cano-Lira & Stchigel, Journal of Fungi 10(4, no. 236): 10 (2024) Specimen: CBS 149968. Spain, Aragon community, Zaragoza province, Laguna de Pito, isolated from lagoon sediment

Gamsia Curzi, Bolletinodella Stazione di PatologiaVegetale Roma 10: 384 (1930)

  1. #G. sedimenticola M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024). intertidal sediment of a mudflat, China, Shandong Province, Qingdao city, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2

Microascus Zukal, Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft Wien 35: 342 (1885)

  1. M. algicola M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024), from Grateloupia filicina collected from a gravels beach, China, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  2. #M. brevicaulis S.P. Abbott, in Abbott, Sigler & Currah, Mycologia 90(2): 298 (1998) isolated from a marine crab, also from marine corals
  3. M. cinereus Curzi, Boll. Staz. Patol. Veg. Roma 11: 60 (1931)
  4. M. cirrosus Curzi, Boll. R. Staz. Patalog. Veget. Roma, N.S. 10(3): 308 (1930), reported from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, deep-sea and deep subsurface sediments using culture-based approaches
  5. M. croci (J.F.H. Beyma) Sand.-Den., Gené and Guarro, Persoonia 36: 17 (2015). China, Shandong Province, Qingdao city, from Blidingia minima from a gravels beach, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  6. M. gennadii M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024), from intertidal sediment, China, Shandong Province, Qingdao city, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  7. M. manginii (Loubière) Curzi, Bolletino della Stazione di Patologia Vegetale di Roma 11: 60 (1931) marine water sample
  8. M. paisii (Pollacci) Sandoval-Denis, Gen & Guarro, Persoonia 36: 21 (2016) isolated from seawater,also from Posidonia oceanica
  9. M. restrictus Sand.-Den., Gené and Deanna A. Sutton, in Sandoval-Denis, Gené, Sutton, Cano-Lira, de Hoog, Decock and Guarro, Persoonia 36: 21 (2015). China, Liaoning Province, Huludao city (120°4733.34 E, 40°3614.56 N), from the intertidal sediment of a sand beach, Moleular  data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  10. #M. rothbergiorum Houbraken, Istel & Yarden, on Stylophora pistillata (Pocilloporidae), Israel (2022) IN: Crous et al., Personia 1383–1435
  11. M. trigonosporus C.W. Emmons & B.O. Dodge, Mycologia 23(5): 317 (1931) isolated from the marine sponge Tethya aurantium, CHINA, Shandong Province, Qingdao city, from Cladophora sp. from a sand beach, from Ulva linza from a sand beach, from Gracilaria textorii from sand beach, Molech data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  12. #M. rothbergiorumHoubraken, Istel & Yarden, on Stylophora pistillata (Pocilloporidae), Israel (2022) IN: Crous et al., Personia 1383–1435
  13. M. verrucosus Sand.-Den., Gené and Cano, in Sandoval-Denis, Gené, Sutton, Cano-Lira, de Hoog, Decock and Guarro, Persoonia 36: 23 

#Paradinomyces Rene & Karpov, Harmful Algae,120, 102352 (2022)

  1. #P. triforaminorum Reñé et Karpov, Harmful Algae,120, 102352 (2022), isolated on the host Kryptoperidinium foliaceum from samples collected in Kökar Island, located in the Åland Archipelago (SW coast of Finland), Northern Baltic Sea

Petriella Curzi, Bolletinodella Stazione di PatologiaVegetale Roma 10: 384 (1930)

  1. P. setifera (Alf. Schmidt) Curzi, Bolletino della Stazione di Patologia Vegetale di Roma 10: 380-422 (1930)
  2. P. sordida (Zukal) G.L. Barron & J.C. Gilman, Can. J. Bot. 39: 839 (1961)

Pseudallescheria Negr. & I. Fisch., Revista Inst. Bacteriol. 'Dr. Carlos G. Malbrn' 12(201): 5-9 (1944)

  1. P. boydii (Shear) McGinnis, A.A. Padhye&Ajello, Mycotaxon 14(1): 97 (1982)
  2. P. ellipsoidea (von Arx & Fassat.) McGinnis, A.A. Padhye & Ajello, Mycotaxon 14 (1): 98 (1982) associated with the marine soft coral Lobophytum crassum

Pseudoscopulariopsis Sand.-Den., Gené & Guarro, Persoonia 36: 24 (2015)

  1. P. hibernica (A. Mangan) Sand.-Den., Gené & Cano, Persoonia 36: 24 (2015)

Pseudowardomyces Barnés-Guirado, Stchigel & Cano-Lira, J. Fungi 10 (4, no. 236): 11 (2024)

  1. #P. humicola (Hennebert & G.L. Barron) Barnés-Guirado, Stchigel & Cano-Lira, Journal of Fungi 10(4, no. 236): 12 (2024) ex Wardomyces humicola)

Scedosporium Sacc. ex Castell. & Chalm., Manual of Tropical Medicine: 1122 (1919)

  1. S. ellipsosporium M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024). intertidal sediment of a mudflat, China, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  2. S. hainanense Zhi Y. Zhang, Y.F. Han and Z.Q. Liang, in Zhang, Shao, Li, Chen, Liang, Han, Huang and Liang, Microbiology Spectrum 9(2): e00867-21, 16 (2021). CHINA, Jiangsu Province, Yancheng city (119°5232 E, 34°2727 N), from intertidal sediment of a mudflat, CHINA, Shandong Province, Dongying city (119°0945.18E, 37°4534.86 N), from the intertidal sediment of a mudflat, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  3. S. shenzhenensis M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024). intertidal sediment of a mudflat, China, Guangdong Province, Shenzhen City, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  4. S. sphaerospermum M.M. Wang, W. Li and L. Cai, J. Fungi 10(1): (2024). intertidal sediment of a mudflat, China, Shandong Province, Qingdao City, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2

*Scopulariopsis Bainier, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 23: 98 (1907)

  1. S. brumptii -Duval, Thèse Fac Pharm Paris 23: 58 (1935) Current name Microascus paisii (Pollacci) Sand.-Den., Gené & Guarro, Persoonia 36: 21 (2016) isolated from Posidonia oceanica
  2. Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (Sacc.) Bainier [as ‘brevicaule’], Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 23(2): 99 (1907). CHINA, Shandong Province, Qingdao city, from Ulva pertusa from a sand beach, Fujian Province, Ningde city (120°0339.98 E, 26°5251.89 N), from intertidal sediment of a mudflat, Molc data LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  3. S. candida , Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 27(2): 143 (1911)
  4. S. halophilica Tubaki, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Jpn. 14(4): 367 (1973) isolated from seawater and salted fish

Wardomyces F.T. Brooks & Hansf., Transactions of the British Mycological Society 8 (3): 137 (1923)

  1. W. anomalus F.T. Brooks & Hansf., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 8 (3): 137 (1923)
  2. W. inflatus (Marchal) Hennebert, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 51(5): 755 (1968). CHINA, Shandong Province, Weihai city, from intertidal sediment of a sand beach, Liaoning Province, Huludao city (120°4733.34 E, 40°3614.56 N), from intertidal sediment of a sand beach, Molecular data: LSU-ITS-tef1-tub2
  3. W. pulvinatus (Marchal) C.H. Dickinson, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 49 (3): 521 (1966)

Yunnania H.Z. Kong, Mycotaxon 69: 320 (1998)

  1. Y. carbonaria (F.J. Morton & G. Sm.) Woudenb., Houbraken & Samson, Studies in Mycology 88: 29 (2017) 

Triadelphiaceae Y.Z. Lu, J.K. Liu, Z.L. Luo & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity 99: 555 (2019)

Trailia G.K. Sutherl., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 5: 149 (1915)

  1. T. ascophylli G.K. Sutherl., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 5(1): 149 (1915). On marine algae, (Blast search shows this has 93% affinity with Triadelphia species)

5. TORPEDOSPORALES E.B.G. Jones. Abdel-Wahab & K.L. Pang, Fungal Divers. (2015) Fungal Diversity 73: 43 (2015)

Juncigenaceae E.B.G. Jones, Abdel-Wahab & K.L. Pang, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(2): 133 (2014)

Elbamycella A.Poli, E. Bovio, V.Prigione & G.C. Varese, Mycop Keys 55: 21 (2019)

  1. # E. rosea A. Poli, E. Bovio, V.Prigione & G.C. Varese, Mycop Keys 55: 21 (2019) isolated from seagrass Posidonia oceanica and the brown alga Padina pavonica

Fulvocentrum E.B.G. Jones & Abdel-Wahab, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(1): 131 (2014)

  1. #F. aegyptiacum (Abdel-Wahab, El-Sharouney & E.B.G. Jones) E.B.G. Jones & Abdel-Wahab, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(1): 1321 (2014) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. #F. clavatisporum (Abdel-Wahab, El-Sharouney & E.B.G. Jones) E.B.G. Jones & Abdel-Wahab, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(1): 132 (2014) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  3. F. rubrum M.A. Abdel-Wahab, Nova Hedwigia 108 (3-4): 370 (2018) driftwood collected from intertidal zone

Juncigena Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. & O.E. Erikss., Bot. Mar. 40: 291 (1997)

  1. #J. adarca Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm. & O.E. Erikss., Bot. Mar. 40(4): 291 (1997)
  2. J. fruticosae (Abdel-Wahab, Abdel-Aziz & Nagah.) A.N. Mill. & Shearer, IMA Fungus 7 (1): 139 (2016)

Khaleijomyces Abdel-Wahab, Phytotaxa 340 (3): 289 (2018)

  1. #Kh. marinus Abdel-Wahab, Phytotaxa 340 (3): 289 (2018) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. #Kh. umikazeanus Abdel-Wahab, Fungal Diversity 111: 207 (2021), on decaying driftwood in the intertidal zone

Marinokulati E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(1): 132 (2014)

  1. #M. chaetosa (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(1): 132 (2014) Saprobic on intertidal and drift wood

Etheirophoraceae Rungjindamai, Somrithipol &S uetrong, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(2): 134 (2014)

Etheirophora Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 414 (1989)

  1. E. bijubata Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 414 (1989) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. E. blepharospora (Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.) Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 415 (1989) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  3. E. unijubata Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 92(4): 415 (1989) driftwood collected from intertidal zone

Swampomyces Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 30: 198 (1987)

  1. #S. armeniacus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 30(3): 200 (1987) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. #S. triseptatus K.D. Hyde & Nakagiri, Sydowia 44(2): 122 (1992) driftwood collected from intertidal zone

Torpedosporaceae E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Cryptog. Mycol. 35(2): 135 (2014)

Torpedospora Meyers, Mycologia 49: 496 (1957)

  1. #T. ambispinosa Kohlm., Nova Hedwigia 2: 336 (1960) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. #T. mangrovei (Abdel-Wahab & Nagah.) E.B.G. Jones & Abdel-Wahab, IMA Fungus 7(1):139 (2016) driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  3. #T. radiata Meyers, Mycologia 49: 496 (1957) driftwood collected from intertidal zone. Pneumatophores, bark of mangrove roots, test panels.

Subclass: Lulworthiomycetidae Dayar., E.B.G. Jones, & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 72: 10 (2015)

1. LULWORTHIALES , Spatafora & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 92(3): 456 (2000)

Lulworthiaceae Kohlm., Spatafora & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 92(3): 456 (2000)

*Cumulospora I. Schmidt, Mycotaxon 24: 420 (1985)

  1. #C. marina I. Schmidt, Mycotaxon 24: 421 (1985) decayed, submerged stems of Phragmites, decayed seeds of Herritiera littoralis

*Halazoon Abdel-Aziz, Abdel-Wahab & Nagahama, MycolProgr 9(4): 545 (2010)

  1. #H. fuscus (I. Schmidt) Abdel-Wahab, K.L. Pang, Nagah., Abdel-Aziz & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 547 (2010) drift wood, dead rhizomes of Phragmites communis, reeds
  2. #H. melhae Abdel-Aziz, Abdel-Wahab & Nagah., Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 546 (2010) decayed stems of Phragmites australis

Haloguignardia Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3(12): 97 (1956)

  1. H. cystoseirae Kohlm. & Demoulin, Bot. Mar. 24(1): 9 (1981)
  2. H. decidua Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3: 97 (1956) Parasitic on Sargassum daenelii, Sargassum sp.,
  3. H. irritans (Setch. & Estee) Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3: 98 (1956) Parasitic? Cystoseira osmundaceae, Halidrys dioica
  4. H. longispora Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. (formerly Biol.) Univ. Qd. 3: 98 (1956)
  5. H. oceanica (Ferd. & Winge) Kohlm., Mar. Biol. 8: 344 (1971) Parasitic? Sargassum fluitans, S. natans
  6. H. tumefaciens (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3: 98 (1956) Parasitic on many Sargassum species: S. decipiens, S. fallax etc.

*Hydea K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 549 (2010)

  1. #H. pygmea (Kohlm.) K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 549 (2010) decayed driftwood in the intertidal zone, mangrove wood

Kohlmeyeriella E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 87: 208 (1983)

  1. #K. crassa (Nakagiri) Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb., Spatafora & Grfenhan, Mycol. Res. 109(5): 564 (2005) on calcareous substrates, driftwood
  2. #K. tubulata (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss, J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 87(2): 210 (1983) drift wood,

Lindra I.M. Wilson, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 39(4): 411 (1956)

  1. L. crassa (Kohlm.) Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 34(1): 23 (1991) wood in coastal sandy beaches
  2. L. hawaiiensis Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 65(3): 574 (1987) saprobic on driftwood
  3. L. inflata I.M. Wilson, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 39(4): 411 (1956) submerged wood, test panels
  4. #L. obtusa Nakagiri & Tubaki, Mycologia 75(3): 488 (1983) isolated from sea foam samples, driftwood
  5. #L. thalassiae Orpurt et al., Bull. Mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb. 14: 406 (1964) leaves of sea grass Thalassia, on brown alga Sargassum

Lulwoana Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb., Spatafora & Grfenhan, Mycol. Res. 109(5): 562 (2005)

  1. #L. uniseptata (Nakagiri) Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb., Spatafora & Grfenhan, Mycol Res 109(5): 562 (2005) on driftwood, test panels usually as the asexual stage Zalerion maritimum

Lulwoidea Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb., Spatafora & Grfenhan, Mycol. Res. 109 (5): 564 (2005)

  1. #L. lignoarenaria (Jrg. Koch & E.B.G. Jones) Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb., Spatafora & Grfenhan, Mycol. Res. 109(5): 564 (2005) on driftwood

Lulworthia G.K. Sutherl., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 5: 261 (1915) sensu stricto

  1. #L. atlantica E. Azevedo, Caeiro & Barata, Mycologia, 109:2, 292 (2017) on timber in marinas
  2. #L. fucicola G.K. Sutherl., Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 5(2): 259 (1916) on brown algae, Fucus spp., Spartina spp., wood?

Lulworthia sensu lato

  1. L. bulgariae Parg.-Leduc, Annls Sci. Nat. Bot. Biol. Vg. sr .12(8): 193 (1967)
  2. L. calcicola Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 81(2): 289 (1989) saprobic on corals
  3. L. curalii (Kohlm.) Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 34(1): 24 (1991) superficial on corals
  4. #L. floridana Meyers, Mycologia 49: 515 (1957) wood panels of various kinds, driftwood
  5. #L. fundyensis V.A. Taylor, S.J. Adams, Robicheau & A.K. Walker, in Crous et al., Persoonia 48: 331 (2022), on wood, Canada
  6. L. halima (Diehl & Mounce) Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3(10): 80 (1955) leaves and rhizomes of Zostera marina
  7. L. kniepii (Ade & Bauch) Petr., Sydowia 10(1-6): 297 (1957) Saprobic on a wide range of calcareous red algae
  8. L. lindroidea Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 23(8): 537 (1980) saprobic on drift wood
  9. L. longirostris (Linder) Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3: 80 (1955) on roots of Avicennia marina, intertidal wood, bark
  10. #L. medusa (Ellis & Everh.) Cribb & J.W. Cribb, Pap. Dept. Bot. Univ. Qd. 3: 80 (1955) saprobic on driftwood, test panels, salt marsh plants, leaves and twigs of mangroves
  11. #L. purpurea (I.M. Wilson) T.W. Johnson, Mycologia 50(2): 154 (1958) on test panels, driftwood

*Matsusporium K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 550 (2010)

  1. #M. tropicale (Kohlm.) E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 550 (2010) decayed submerged and intertidal wood, especially mangrove wood

*Moleospora Abdel-Aziz, Abdel-Wahab & Nagahama, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 547 (2010)

  1. #M. maritima Abdel-Wahab, Abdel-Aziz & Nagah., Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 548 (2010) decayed drift stems of Phragmites australis

*Moromyces Abdel-Wahab, K.L. Pang, Nagah., Abdel-Aziz & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 555 (2010)

  1. #M. varius (Chatmala & Somrith.) Abdel-Wahab, K.L. Pang, Nagah., Abdel-Aziz & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr. 9(4): 555 (2010) saprobic, mainly on wood

*Orbimyces Linder, Farlowia 1(3): 404 (1944)

  1. #O. spectabilis Linder, Farlowia 1: 404 (1944) on wood often associated with sand

Paralulworthia A. Poli, E. Bovio, L. Ranieri, G.C. Varese & V. Prigione, Frontiers in Microbiology 11(no. 933): 6 (2020)

  1. #P. candida A. Poli, E. Bovio, V. Prigione & G.C. Varese, Journal of Fungi 7(11, no. 940): 8 (2021)
  2. #P. elbensis A. Poli, E. Bovio, V. Prigione & G.C. Varese, Journal of Fungi 7(11, no. 940): 10 (2021)
  3. #P. halima(Anastasiou) M. Gonçalves, A. Abreu & A. Alves, Mycologia: 10.1080/00275514.2021.1875710, 12 (2021)
  4. #P. gigaspora Poli, E. Bovio, L. Ranieri, G.C. Varese & V. Prigione, Frontiers in Microbiology 11(no. 933): 9 (2020)
  5. #P. mediterranea A. Poli, E. Bovio, G.C. Varese & V. Prigione, Journal of Fungi 7(11, no. 940): 8 (2021)
  6. #P. posidoniae Poli, E. Bovio, L. Ranieri, G.C. Varese & V. Prigione, Frontiers in Microbiology 11(no. 933): 9 (2020)

Paramoleospora Meng Li & L. Cai, Microbiome 11 (no. 272, Add. file 1): 73 (2023)

  1. #P. guttulata Meng Li & L. Cai, Microbiome 11 (no. 272, Add. file 1): 74 (2023)

Rostrupiella Jrg. Koch, K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Bot. Mar. 50(5-6): 295 (2007)

  1. #R. danica Jrg. Koch, K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Bot. Mar. 50(5/6): 295 (2007) on wood (sea defences), test panels

Rambellisea Pasqualetti & Braconcini, J. Fungi 10: 9 127 (2024)

  1. #R. gigliensis Pasqualetti & Braconcini, J. Fungi 10: 9 127 (2024), Italy, from the tunic of Halocynthia papillosa
  2. #R. halocynthiae Pasqualetti & Braconcini, J. Fungi 10: 9 127 (2024), Italy, from the tunic of H. papillosa

Sammeyersia S.Y. Guo, E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Botanica Marina 60: 483 (2017)

  1. #S. granidspora (Meyers) S.Y. Guo, E.B.G. Jones & K.L. Pang, Botanica Marina 60: 483 (2017) Saprobic on driftwood, mangrove wood, test panels, prop roots, submerged fruits Casuarina sp.. widespread in the tropics

2. KORALIONSTETALES Kohlm., Volkm.-Kohlm., J. Campb. &Inderb., Mycol. Res. 113(3): 377 (2009)

Koralionastetaceae Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 79: 764 (1987)

Koralionastes Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 79: 765 (1987)

  1. K. angustus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 79(5): 768 (1987) attached to coralline-algae covered corals and are often enclosed by crustose sponges.
  2. K. ellipticus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 79(5): 765 (1987) attached to coralline-algae covered corals and are often enclosed by crustose sponges.
  3. K. giganteus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 68(7): 1554 (1990) attached to coralline-algae covered corals and are often enclosed by crustose sponges.
  4. K. ovalis Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycologia 79(5): 765 (1987) attached to coralline-algae covered corals and are often enclosed by crustose sponges.
  5. K. violaceus Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Can. J. Bot. 68(7): 1556 (1990) attached to coralline-algae covered corals and are often enclosed by crustose sponges.

Pontogeneia Kohlm., Bot. Jb. 96(1-4): 200 (1975)

  1. P. calospora (Pat.) Kohlm., Bot. Jb. 96(1-4): 205 (1975) Parasitic on Castagnea chordariaeformis, brown marine alga
  2. P. codiicola (Dowson) Kohlm. & E. Kohlm., Marine Mycology, the Higher Fungi (London): 350 (1979) Parasitic on the green algae Codium fragile, C. simulans
  3. P. cubensis (Har. & Pat.) Kohlm., Bot. Jb. 96(1-4): 207 (1975) Parasitic on the brown marine alga Halopteris scoparia
  4. P. enormis (Pat. & Har.) Kohlm., Botanische Jahrbcher fr Systematik Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 96(1-4): 208 (1975) Parasitic on the brown marine alga Halopteris scoparia
  5. P. erikae Kohlm., Bot. Mar. 24(1): 16 (1981) lives in association with brown marine alga Ectocarpus sp.
  6. P. microdictyi Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycol. Res. 113(3): 378 (2009) from Microdictyon sp.
  7. P. padinae Kohlm., Bot. Jb. 96(1-4): 201 (1975) Parasitic on the brown marline alga Padina durvillaei
  8. P. valoniopsidis (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) Kohlm., Bot. Jb. 96(1-4): 209 (1975) Parasitic on the green marine alga Valoniopsis pachyema; on the surface of Egregia menziesii and Sargassum undulatum

Subclass: Savoryellomycetidae Hongsanan, K.D.Hyde & Maharachch.,  Fungal Diversity 84: 35 (2017)

1. SAVORYELLALES Boonyuen, Suetrong, S. Sivichai, K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones, Mycologia 103(6): 1368 (2011)

Pleurotheciales Réblová & Seifert, Persoonia 37: 63 (2015) [2016]

Pleurotheciaceae Réblová & Seifert, Persoonia 37: 63 (2015) [2016]

*Phaeoisaria Hhn., Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der WissenschaftenMath.-naturw. Klasse Abt. I 118: 330 (1909)

  1. Ph. clematidis (Fuckel) S. Hughes, Canadian Journal of Botany 36 (6): 795 (1958) not added yet
  2. Ph. sedimenticola X.L. Cheng & Wei Li, Mycologia 127: 20 (2014)

Savoryellaceae Jaklitsch & Rblov, in Jaklitsch & Rblov, Index Fungorum 209 (2015)

Savoryella E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 52(1):161 (1969)

  1. S. aquatica K.D. Hyde Australian Systematic Botany 6 (2): 162 (1993), driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. #S. appendiculata K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Bot. Mar. 35(2): 89 (1992), driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  3. #S. lignicola E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton, Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 52(1): 161 (1969), wood in cooling tower, driftwood collected from intertidal zone. Test panels
  4. #S. longispora E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Bot. Mar. 35(2): 84 (1992), driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  5. S. melanospora Abdel-Wahab & E.B.G. Jones, Mycoscience 41(4): 387 (2000), wood in sand dune
  6. S. nypae (K.D. Hyde & Goh) S.N. Zhang, K.D. Hyde & J.K. Liu, Phytotaxa 408(3): 200 (2019), petioles of Nypa fruticans, on Avicennia wood
  7. S. paucispora (Cribb & J.W. Cribb) J. Koch, Nordic J. Bot. 2(2): 169 (1982), mangrove driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  8. S. sarushimana Abdel-Wahab & E.B.G. Jones, Phytotaxa 4083 200 (2019), mangrove driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  9. S. verrucosa Minoura & T. Muroi, Transactions of the Mycological Society of Japan 19: 132 (1978), wood in cooling tower

Subclass:Diaporthiomycetidae I.C. Senanayake, Maharachch., K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 72: 10 (2015)

1. PHOMATOSPORALES Senan., Maharachch. & K.D. Hyde, Mycosphere 7 (5): 631 (2016)

Phomatosporaceae Senan. & K.D. Hyde, Mycosphere 7 (5): 633 (2016)

Lanspora K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Canadian Journal of Botany 64 (8): 1581 (1986)

  1. L. dorisauae K. L. Pang, Suetrong, M. W. L. Chiang and E. B. G. Jones, PeerJ 1(e15958): 5 (2023)(unidentified trapped wood, Taiwan)-LSU, ITS, SSU, TEF1a, RPB2)

Subclass: Sordariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka, Myconet 1(1): 10 (1997)

1. BOLINIALES P.F. Cannon, Dictionary of the fungi: X (2001)

Boliniaceae Rick, Brotria Sr. Bot. 25(2): 65 (1931)

Camarops P. Karst., Bidrag till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk 23: 6 (1873)

  1. #C. ustulinoides (Henn.) Nannf., Svensk bot. Tidskr. 66(4): 370 (1972) first report of C. ustulinoides from a marine based environment

2. CALOSPHAERIALES M.E. Barr, Mycologia 75: 11 (1983)

Calosphaeriaceae Munk, Dansk botanisk Arkiv 17 (1): 278 (1957)

Jattaea Berl., Icones Fungorum. Pyrenomycetes. Sphaeriaceae. Allantosporae 3: 6 (1900)

  1. J. bruguierae Dayar., Jones E.B.G. & K.D. Hyde, Studies in Fungi 2 (1): 241 (2017), mangrove driftwood collected from intertidal zone
  2. J. mucronata Dayar. & K.D. Hyde, Botanica Marina 60: 479 (2017)

3. CEPHALOTHECALES Hubka & Réblová, Index Fungorum 424: 1 (2019)

Cephalothecaceae Höhn., Annales Mycologici 15 (5): 362 (1917)

Phialemonium W. Gams & McGinnis, Mycologia 75: 978 (1983)

  1. P. dimorphosporum W. Gams & W.B. Cooke, in Gams & McGinnis, Mycologia 75(6): 981 (1983); reported from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, deep-sea and deep subsurface sediments using culture-based approaches
  2. #Ph. inflatum (Burnside) Dania García, Perdomo, Gené, Cano & Guarro, Mycologia 105 (2): 415 (2013) (isolated from brown alga Padina)


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