(Nakagiri & Tokura) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro
Sordariomycetes Subclass: Hypocreomycetidae
Ajigaurospora E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro, J. Fungi 9 (8, no. 841): 25 (2023)
MycoBank MB848509
Type and marine species:
Ajigaurospora pseudopulchella (Nakagiri & Tokura) E. Azevedo, P. Correia & M.F. Caeiro
MycoBank MB848986
Basionym: Corollospora pseudopulchella Nakagiri & Tokura
Description from Correia et al. 2023:
Sexual morph: Ascomata solitary, superficial, globose to subglobose, ostiolate, papillate, black, carbonaceous. Pseudoparenchyma thin-walled of polygonal or rounded cells that fill the center of young ascocarps. Two layered peridium: outer layer formed by roundish cells; inner layer made by elongated cells. Paraphyses absent. Asci 8-spored, fusiform to ellipsoidal, unitunicate, early deliquescing. Ascospores fusiform, slender, hyaline, 7–11 septate, attenuate apices towards both ends, without polar spines; secondary appendages developed by the fragmentation of the exospore, peritrichous polar and equatorial around the central septum. Asexual morph–Undetermined.
Key reference:
Correia P, Azevedo E, Caeiro MF. 2023. Redefining the genus Corollospora based on morphological and phylogenetic approaches. JoF. 9(8):841. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof9080841