About Marine Fungi
Updated: 14 February 2025
Citation for webpage: Jones EBG, Pang KL, Abdel-Wahab MA, Scholz B, Hyde KD, Boekhout T, Ebel R, Rateb ME, Henderson L, Sakayaroj J, Suetrong S, Dayarathne MC, Kumar V, Raghukumar S, Sridhar KR, Bahkali AHA, Gleason FH, Norphanphoun C (2019) An online resource for marine fungi. Fungal Divers 96:347–433 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-019-00426-5
Current number of marine fungi: 2,141
We introduce new information for the marine fungi website.
- Marine fungi whose genomes have been sequenced. Table 1 (below) prepared by Dr. Ole Christian Hagestad. Currently 64 marine fungi have been sequenced.
- Database on molecular data of marine fungi prepared by Dr Mark Calabon.
This documents all the genes sequenced for marine fungi and data is available on request. Currently some 50% of marine fungi listed in the website have molecular data.
TOTAL MARINE FUNGI (as of 14 February 2025):
Phyla |
11 |
Families |
294 |
Classes |
35 |
Genera |
855 |
Orders |
111 |
Species |
2141 |
Recent additions:
- Paraloratospora edkuensis Bakhit & Abdel-Wahab
- Patellaria mangrovei García-Jacobo, Mart.-Pineda, R. Valenz. & Raymundo
- Scedosporium marinum Devadatha & V.V. Sarma
- Acrocalymma estuarinumM.S. Calabon sp. nov.
- Jinshana tangtangiaeK.L. Pang, M.W.L. Chiang & E.B.G. Jones, gen. et sp. nov.
- Vaginatispora acrostichiS. Mukhop., Phukhams. & E.B.G. Jones sp. nov.
- Zygosporium cymodoceaeGuerra, Baulin, Cano & Gené,sp. nov.
- Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicolaGinns
- Vaginatispora palmaeS.N. Zhang, Jian K. Liu & K.D. Hyde,
- Vaginatispora scabrisporaA. Hashim., K. Hiray. & Kaz. Tanaka
The above number includes the microsporidia
Genera: 67
Species: 161
Fungal-like taxa: under revision
The above include fungi documented from sporulating material in the intertidal-submergedmaterial in the sea (drift and attached wood, leaves, fruits, pneumatophores), those isolated from sea water, deep sea and mangrove sediments, endophytes isolated from algae, corals and submerged parts of mangrove plants and those parastic on planknot on seagrasses.
Marine fungi are an ecologically diverse group which belong to the phyla Aphelidiomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, Chytridiomycota, and Mucoromycota. They grow on numerous substrata such as decaying wood and leaves, algae, coral, calcareous tubes of molluscs, animals, and found in sand, muds, soils, sediments. Marine fungi play a substantial components role in nutrient cycling and are a critical source of natural products. The Halosphaeriaceae is the largest family of marine species with 141 species in 59 genera. The Aphelidiomycota currently includes one marine species Pseudoaphelidium drebesii.
Introduction page
Readers are asked to contribute to the website by submitting comments, updates, new taxa to the senior curators. See the attached e mail addresses.
Readers are invited to draft species descriptions for marine fungi and submit to Gareth Jones: torperadgj@gmail.com
Purpose of webpage
- To provide the distributions of marine fungi.
- To supply online information on classification, description, types and location. Each species is described with illustrations.
- To provide higher classification of marine fungi.
How to search for genus/species
- Please use the search Box at the top of this page to find details of species
- Type the genus name in the blank box
- Press search. The species name will then appear as blue font
- Now click on the species name (blue font) to access the description.
Recommendation: As the same genus/ species have many distributions on the map. If the user is willing to access another genus. Search by typing genus name in the blank is recommended.
Currently available description of marine fungi in the website
Table 1. Marine fungi whose genomes have been sequenced.
Aspergillus fumigatus |
Fusarium equiseti |
Trichoderma endophyticum Trichoderma simmonsii Typhula sp. |