Vrijmoed, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones, Mycological Research 98: 699 (1994).
Sordariomycetes, Subclass Sordariomycetidae
Diaporthe Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 2: 240 (1870)
Marine species of Diaporthe:
Diaporthe salsuginosa Vrijmoed, K. D. Hyde & E. B. G. Jones, Mycological Research 98: 699 (1994).
Index Fungorum Number: 362640 Faces of Fungi Number: NA
Sexual morph, Ascomata single or clustered, but enclosed within a wide spreading blackened zone in the wood, both above the ascomata (dorsal zone) and below (ventral zone). Ascomata up to 270 μm high, 325-455 μm diam. Immersed, brown or black, commonly in small groups, coriaceous, with short ostioles piercing the host surface singly, in crater-like, darkened depressions on the wood surface. irregular brown fungal hyphae. Ostiole up to 300 μm high and 140 μm diam., mostly immersed with short portion projecting above host surface, brown with periphyses. Peridium up to 40 μm wide composed of brown thin-walled cells of textura angularis at the outside and pallide elongate cells inwardly. The basal cells are hyaline. Paraphyses hypha-like, filiform, 14 μm wide at the base, tapering distally, septate and hyaline. Asci 46-63 x 6-8 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical, thin-walled, unitunicate, shaft pedunculate, apically flattened with an iodine negative subapical ring, developing in the hymenium at the base of the ascomata. Ascospores 10--13 x 3-4 μm, 1-2 seriate, fusoid, 2-celled, not constricted at the septum, smooth-walled, hyaline, with a small mucilaginous pad at each end which swells in water and attaches the spore to the glass slide. Asexual morph.: Undetermined.