




K.D. Hyde, 1992c. Mycol. Res., 96: 28.


Dothideomycetes, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae






Type species:

Trematosphaeria pertusa (Pers.) Fuckel, Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 23-24: 161 (1870)

Marine species:

Trematosphaeria lineolatispora K.D. Hyde, 1992c. Mycol. Res., 96: 28.

Sexual morph: saprobic, Ascomata: 90-180 μm high, 210-360 μm diam., conoid to subglobose, immersed with a flattened base, ostiolate, papillate, as darkened spots on wood surface, clypeate, solitary or gregarious. Necks: up to 150 μm long, 75-100 μm diam., periphysate, brown. Peridium: up to 25 μm thick, at the sides composed of one layer of pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis, becoming elongate towards the ostiole and fusing with the clypeus. The peridium is thin at the base. Pseudoparaphyses: 2-4 μm wide, straight, cellular, septate, appearing trabeculate, in a gel, forming a thick packing tissue between the asci and extending into the neck. Asci: 120-204 x 14-18 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical-sub clavate, bitunicate, thick-walled, pedunculate, with an ocular chamber and faint ring structure, arising from the base and lower sides of the ascoma. Ascospores: 34-48 x 7-10 μm, 1-2-seriate, fusiform, mostly 5-septate, third cell from the top the largest, cinnamon-brown in centre with lighter end cells, hyaline when young, surface covered in striations and surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Undermined (Description based on Hyde (1992)).


Key references:

Boise JR (1985) A amended description of Trematoshpaeria. Mycologia 77:477-482.

 Borse BD, Borse KN (2001) New reports of marine ascomycetes from Orissa, India. GEOBIOS 28: 62-64.

 Hyde KD (1992) Intertidal mangrove fungi from the west coast of Mexico, including one new genus and two new species. Mycological Research. 96:25-30.

Kohlmeyer J (1968) A new Trematosphaeria from roots of Rhizophora racemosa. Mycopathology Mycologia Applicata 34: 1-5.

Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B (1991) Illustrated key to the filamentous higher marine fungi. Botanica Marina. 34: 1-61.

 McKeown TA, Alias SA, Moss ST, Jones EBG (2001) Ultrastructural studies of Trematosphaeria malaysiana sp. nov. and Leptosphaeria pelagica. Mycological Research 105(5):615-624.

Prasannarai K, Sridhar KR (1997) Effect of incubation period of drift wood on the occurrence of marine fungi. Indian J. Marine Science 26: 380-382.

Saccardo PA (1883) Sylloge Pyrenomycetum, Vol. II. Sylloge Fungorum. 2:1-813.

Shini K, Sridhar KR, Kararnchard KS (2009) Assemblage and diversity of fungi in two under explored mangrove in India. Kavaka 37: 79-85.

Suetrong S, Hyde KD, Zhang Y, Bahkali AB, Jones EBG (2011) Trematosphaeiaceae fam. nov. (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota). Cryptog. Mycologie 332: 343-358.


Key to marine Trematosphaeria species:


  1. Ascospores longer than 26 µm                                                                                                                          2
  1. Ascospores shorter than 26 µm, 20-25 x 4-6 µm, cell wall striated, surrounded by mucilaginous sheath                 T. malaysiana

      2 Ascospores versicolour with hyaline end-cells, 34-48 x 7-10 µm                                                                           T. lineolatispora

      2 Ascospores uniformly coloured, 30-41 x 10-16 µm                                                                                              T. mangrovis



Type & Location:
Other Specimens:
saprobic on dead mangrove wood, intertidal wood.
Hong Kong, India, Macau, Mexico.
Pertinent Literature:
NOTES: Three Trematosphaeria species have been described (T. lineolatispora, T. malaysiana, T. mangrovis), but there is no sequence data for any them (Jones et al. 2015). Kohlmeyer & Kohlmeyer (1979) also list Trematosphaeria britzelmayriana but this is now referred to Splanchnonema britzelmayrianum (Boise 1985). Trematosphaeria lignatils has been referred to Quintaria by Kohlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer (1991). The marine Trematosphaeria species should be recollected, isolated and sequenced to confirm their placement in the genus. Over 190 Trematosphaeria species are known with only three from marine habitats (Hyde 1992, Kohlmeyer 1968, McKeown et al. 2001). Sueterong et al. (2011) introduced the family Trematosphaeriaceae to accommodate the genera Falciformispora, Halomassarina and Trematosphaeria based on a multigene database with the family grouping in the Pleosporales. Trematosphaeria lineolatispora has been frequently collected in India by Borse & Borse (2001), Prasannarai & Sridhar (1997) and Shini et al. (2009).


Mushroom Research Foundation 
Chiang Rai 


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