Linder, 1944. Falowia, 1: 412.
Sordariomycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Type species:
Halosphaeria appendiculata Linder, 1944. Falowia, 1: 412.
= Palomyces Höhnk, Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven 3: 212 (1955)
Sexual morph: saprobic, Ascomata 140-330 µm high, 140-500 µm in diameter, globose or subglobose, ellipsoidal, immersed erumpent, ostiolate, papillate, coriaceous or membranous, pale to dark brown to black, solitary or gregarious, catenophyses deliquescing. Asci: 50-108 x 10-24 µm, 8-spored, clavate or subfusiform, pedunculate, unitunicate, thin-walled, deliquescing early. Ascospores: (16-) 18-29 x (6-) 8-12 µm, ellipsoidal, 1-septate, hyaline, with 3-4 spoon-shaped equatorial appendages and one at each end of the spore (Description based on Kohlmeyer & Kohlmeyer (1979)).
Key references:
Johnson RG, Jones EBG, Moss ST (1984) Taxonomic studies of the Halosphaeriaceae: Remispora Linder, Marinospora Cavaliere and Carbosphaerella Schmidt. Botanica Marina 27: 557 566.
Johnson RG, Jones EBG, Moss ST (1987) Taxonomic studies of the Halosphaeriaceae: Ceriosporopsis, Haligena and Appendichordella gen. nov. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 931-942.
Jones EBG, Johnson RG, Moss ST (1983a) Taxonomic studies of the Halosphaeriaceae: Corollospora Werdmann. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 87: 193-212.
Jones EBG, Johnson RG, Moss ST (1983b) Ocostaspora apilongissima gen. et sp. nov: A new marine Pyrenomycete from wood. Botanica Marina 24: 353-360.
Jones EBG, Moss,ST, Cuomo V (1983c) Spore appaendage development in the lignicolous marine Pyrenomycetes Chaetosphaeria chaetosa and Halosphaeria trullifera. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 80: 193-2000.
Jones EBG, Johnson RG, Moss ST (1984) Taxonomic studies of the Halosphaeriaceae: Halosphaeria Linder. Botanica Marina 27: 129-143.
Jones EBG, Ju WT, Lu CL, Guo SY, Pang KL (2017) The Halosphaeriaceae revisited. Botanica Marina DOI 10.1515/bot-2016-0113.
Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Mckenzie EHC, Huang SK, Abdel-Wahab MA et al. (2015) Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomcyetes. Fungal Diversity 72: 199-299.
Sakayaroj J, Pang KL, Jones EBG (2011) Multi-gene phylogeny of the Halosphaeriaceae: its ordinal status, relationships between genera and morphological character evolution. Fungal Divers. 46: 87–109.