Kohlm. & Volkm. –Kohlm, Fungal Divers. 1: 160 (1998).
Asexual morph: Hyphae 1.5–4 μm diam., mostly superficial, septate, branched, light to dark–brown. Conidiophores and conidia absent. Chlamydospores mostly apical, rarely intercalary, single or in chains, rarely branching, filamentous, straight or curved, mostly widest at the tips, tapering towards the base, 95–370(–500) x (8–)9–16 μm, 5.5–8 μm side at the base, with 11–43(–64) transverse septa, rarely with longitudinal or oblique septa, constricted at some of the septa, smooth, dark–brown, more or less uniform in colour throughout. Sexual morph: UIndetermined.
(Descriptions based on Kphlmeyer & Volkmann-Kohlmeyer (1998) and Suetrong et al. (2011)).
Key references:
Goos RD, Brooks RD, Lamore BJ (1977) An undescribed hyphomycete from wood submerged in a Rhode Island stream. Mycologia 69:280–286.
Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B (1998) A new marine Xylomyces on Rhizophora from the Caribbean and Hawaii. Fungal Diversity 1:159-164.
Suetrong S, Boonyuen N, Pang K., Ueapattanakit J, Klaysuban A, Sri-Indrasutdhi V, Sivichai S, Jones EBG (2011) A taxonomic revision and phylogenetic reconstruction of the Jahnulales (Dothideomycetes), and the new family Manglicolaceae. Fungal Divers 51: 163-188.