Kohlm. & E. Kohlm., Mycologia 63: 851 (1971)
Dothideomycetes, Dothideomycetidae
Asexual morph: Pycnidia 70-110 μm high, 70-115 μm diam., subglobose, immersed or half immersed, ostiolate, papillate or epapillate, coriaceous, dark brown or black, solitary or gregarious. Papillae short or absent, ostiole 6-15 μm diam. Peridium 14-20 μm thick above, 8-12 μm at the base, dark brown, composed of polygonal cells forming a textura angularis. Conidiophores 5-12 μm × 1.2-2.5 μm, cylindrical or attenuate, simple, forming conidia singly at the apex, lining the wall of the pycnidial cavity. Conidia 9-12.5 × 1.5-2 μm, botuliform or filiform, one-celled, straight or slightly curved hyaline. Sexual morph: Undetermined. (Description based on Pang et al. (2011)).
Key references:
Kohlmeyer J, Kohlmeyer E (1971) Marine fungi from tropical America and Africa. Mycologia. 63(4):831-861.
Pang KL, Jheng JS, Jones EBG. (2011) Marine mangrove fungi of Taiwan. National Taiwan Ocean University Press, Keelung. pp. 131.
Image: Rhabdospora avicenniae. (a) Section of immersed pycnidium. (b) Orange spore masses discharged from pycnidia on wood. (c) Pycnidial wall made of elongated cells. (d) Conidiophores. (e) Cylindrical conidia. Scale bar: a=50 μm; b=300 μm; c, d=30 μm; e=10 μm. Photo reproduced with the permission of the National Taiwan Ocean University.