K.D. Hyde & Rappaz, Mycol. Res. 97: 861 (1993)
Sexual morph: Entostroma prosenchymatous, poorly developed, dorsally limited by a black zone binding the fruiting areas. Ascomata 0.3-0.6 mm high, up to 0.8 mm diam., spherical to flattened, submerged in the wood. Necks up to 0.5 mm long, not raising the uniformly blackened wood surface, or occasionally weakly raised, then wood surface blackened only under one or a few ascomata. Ostiole poorly developed or conical, up to 300 μm high, (120)150-200 μm diam., not sulcate. Peridium enclosing fragments of crystals in the external layer, 35-50 μm wide or wider near the ostiolar canal. Paraphyses numerous, persistent. Asci 50-65(90) μm × 8-10 μm, clavate, pedicellate. Ascospores (6-)7-10(-12) × 2-2.8 μm olive-brown, allantoid, containing oil droplets and limited by a thin epispore. Asexual morph: Unidentified synnematal asexual morph on wood.
Key references:
Dayarathne MC, Phookamsak R, Hyde KD, Manawasinghe IS, To-anun C, Jones EBG. (2016) Halodiatrype, a novel diatrypaceous genus from mangroves with H. salinicola and H. avicenniae spp. Nov. Mycosphere 7 (5): 612–627.
Hyde KD, Rappaz F. (1993) Eutypa bathurstensis sp. nov. from intertidal Avicennia. Mycological Research 97: 861-864.
Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel-Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015) Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1-72.
Image: Eutypa bathurstensis. (a) Section of immersed ascoma with darkened area on the wood surface. (b) Ascoma neck with periphyses. (c) Peridium merging with the wood tissue. (d) Elongate-clavate ascus with 8 ascospores. (e) Olive-brown, allantoid, curved ascospore. (f)
Synnemata of anamorph of E. bathurstensis formed at tip of ascomata on wood surface. (g) A conidiophores and a conidium. Scale bar: a=100 μm; b=50 μm; c=30 μm; d, g=10 μm; e=5 μm; f=300 μm. Photo reproduced with the permission of the National Taiwan Ocean University.