




Linder, Farlowia 1: 409 (1944)


Sordariomycetes, subclass Hypocreomycetidae






Sexual morph: Ascomata 80-481 μm high, 130-503 μm diam., subglobose, ellipsoidal or cylindrical, immersed or superficial, ostiolate, papillate, coriaceous, dark brown to black, reddish-brown when empty, solitary or gregarious. Necks up to 706 μm long, 16-30(-56) μm diam., centric or eccentric, cylindrical, ostiolar canal at first filled with a small-celled pseudoparenchyma. Peridium 8-26 μm thick, composed of three to four (to ten) layers of thin-walled, elongated cells with large lumina, merging into the pseudoparenchyma of the venter. Pseudoparenchyma of thin-walled, polygonal cells filling venter of young ascomata. Asci 56-89 × 14-22 μm, eight-spored, ellipsoidal, subclavate or subfusiform, short pedunculate, unitunicate, thin-walled, deliquescing before ascospore maturity, without apical apparatus, developing at the base of the ascoma venter. Ascospores 18-27(-35) × 6-12 μm, ellipsoidal to fusiform-ellipsoidal, 1-septate, slightly or strongly constricted at the septum, hyaline, surrounded by a gelatinous, exosporic sheath that is pierced at each apex by a polar appendage that uncoils in water. Appendages 5-8 μm diam., of variable length, terminal, simple, subcylindrical, tapering, finally becoming viscous and filamentous. Chlamydospores from pure cultures 6-17 μm diam., reddish-brown, catenulate, chains up to 90 μm long, up to 13-celled, terminal, simple or rarely ramose, curved, frequently ½ or ¾ times coiled, single cells globose, ellipsoidal or subcylindrical, sometimes increasing in diameter from base to apex. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Key references:

Abdel-Wahab MA, Dayarathne M, Suetrong S, Guo SY, Siti Alias SA, Bahkali AH et al. (2017) New marine fungi from cellulosic substrates and a new combination. Botanica Marina (In press).

Johnson RG, Jones EBG, Moss ST. (1987) Taxonomic studies of the Halosphaeriaceae: Ceriosporopsis, Haligena and Appendichordella gen. nov. Canadian Journal of Botany 65: 931-942.

Jones EBG. (1994) Fungal adhesion. Mycological Research 98: 961-981.

Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel-Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015) Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1-72.

Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Mckenzie EHC, Huang SK,  Abdel-Wahab MA et al. (2015) Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomcyetes. Fungal Diversity 72: 199-299.

Réblová M, Seifert KA, Fournier J, Štěpánek V (2016) Newly recognised lineages of perithecial ascomycetes: the new orders Conioscyphales and Pleurotheciales. Persoonia 37: 57–81.

Sakayaroj J, Pang KL, Jones EBG (2011). Multi-gene phylogeny of the Halosphaeriaceae: its ordinal status, relationships between genera and morphological character evolution. Fungal Diversity 46: 87-109.

Key to Ceriosporopsis species:

  1. Ascospores with equatorial appendages                              C. caduca
  1. Ascospores lacking equatorial appendages                          2
  1. Polar appendages > 750 µm                                              C. capillacea
  1. Polar appendages < 750 µm                                              3
  1. Ascospores 15–24 × 5–7.5 µm                                          C. minuta
  1. Ascospores 13-28 x 6-12 µm                                             C. intricata
  1. Ascospores 22.5-26 x 8-10 µm                                          C. halima
  1. Ascospores 29—31.5 x 10.5-14.5 µm                                 C. cambrensis


Image: Ceriosporopsis halima. (a) Section of superficial, ellipsoidal ascoma. (b) Ostiolar canal filled with pseudoparenchymatous cells.       (c) One-layered peridium, composed of elongated cells. (d) Clavate, deliquescing asci. (e) Ascospore with bipolar appendages emerging through a gelatinous sheath. Scale bar: a=50 μm; b, c, e=10 μm; d=30 μm. Photo reproduced with the permission of the National Taiwan Ocean University.

Type & Location:
Other Specimens:
dead mangrove wood.
Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, England, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Russia, Scotland, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, Wales.
Pertinent Literature:
NOTES: This is a cosmopolitan species and it has been reported from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. It occurs on a wide range of timbers (e.g. oak, spruce), but generally on coniferous wood in oceanic waters. It is closely related to C. cambrensis, and differs slightly in the dimension of the ascospores (Wilson 1954). A wider range of isolates from different geographical locations is required to determine if C. halima represents a complex of species. The ultrastructure of the ascospores and the ontogeny of the polar appendages have been studies at the SEM and TEM level (Johnson et al. 1987, Jones 1994; Yusoff et al. 1994). Taxonomic placement of the genus is supported by a multiple loci phylogenetic study which showed the genus was polyphyletic with Ceriosporopsis tubulifera referred to the new genus Toriella, and the species Bovicornua intricata assigned to Ceriosporopsis (Sakayaroj et al. 2010). Currently six species are accepted in the genus (Jones et al. 2015; Pang et al. 2017, but not all species have ben sequenced. Ceriosporopsis is accepted in the Halosphaeriacea (Microascales) by Maharachchikuumbra et al. (2015) and Rébolvá et al. (2016).
  • Fig 1
    Fig 1


Mushroom Research Foundation 
Chiang Rai 


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