Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.
Phylum Basidiomycota, Subdivision Agaricomycotina, Class Agaricomycetes, Subclass Agaricomycetidae
Basidiomata 350-500 μm high, 310-440 μm diam. in the apex, 100-150 μm diam. in the stalk, cyphelloid, whitish or yellowish, turbinate or clavate, eventually funnel-shaped or cupulate, pedunculate, superficial in protected parts of the wood, soft, thin-walled, tomentose, solitary or gregarious. Peridium 25-40 μm thick, composed of closely packed hyaline, rarely branched hyphae with thin walls and rare clamp connections, (1.2-)3-4(-6) μm diam., external hairs up to 100 μm long, 4-5 μm diam. at the base, 1.5 μm at the apex, simple or dichotomously branched near the tip, hyaline. Basidia 13-22 × 5-9.5 μm, fourspored, clavate or cylindrical with a narrow base, non-septate, hyaline, with (two to) four evanescent sterigmata, about 3.5 μm long. Basidiospores 8-10.5 × (7-)8-9.5(-10.5) μm, subglobose, one-celled, smooth, hyaline, non-amyloid.
Key references:
Besitulo A, Moslem MA, Hyde KD. (2010) Occurrence and distribution of fungi in a mangrove forest on Siargao Island, Philippines. Botanica Marina [In Press].
Hibbett DS, Binder M. (2001) Evolution of marine mushrooms. The Biological Bulletin 201: 319-322.
Jones EBG, Agerer R. (1992) Calathella mangrovii sp. nov. and observations on the mangrove fungus Halocyphina villosa. Botanica Marina 35:259-265.
Jones EBG, Pang KL (2012) Tropical aquatic fungi. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2403-2423. DOI:10.1007/s10531-011-0198-6.
Jones EBG, Alias SA, Pang KL (2013) Distribution of marine fungi and fungus-like organisms in the South China Sea and their potential use in industry and pharmaceutical application. Malaysian Journal Science 32 (SCS Special Issue): 119-130. `
Mouzouras R. (1986) Patterns of timber decay caused by marine fungi. In: The Biology of Marine Fungi (Moss ST, ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 341-353.
Panebianco C. (1994) Temperature requirements of selected marine fungi. Botanica Marina 37: 157 161.
Image: Halocyphina villosa. (a) Basidiomata on wood. (b, c) Basidia and basidiospores
arranged in layers. (d) Wall of basidiome composed of cells of textura angularis. (e) Globose
basidiospores. Scale bar: a=300 μm; b =100 μm; c = 30 μm; d, e=10 μm. Photo reproduced with the permission of the National Taiwan Ocean University.