Sordariomycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Ascomata: 100-300 μm high, 120-328 μm diam., solitary or gregarious, globose, subglobose to pyriform, superficial or immersed, ostiolate, papillate, subcoriaceous, dark brown above, subhyaline, gray or brownish below.
Necks: 100-320 μm high, 26-70 μm diam., cylindrical, light brown to black.
Peridium: two-layered, with an outer layer of cells of textura angularis and an inner layer of elongated cells. Paraphyses present.
Asci: 46-66 × 14-23 μm, eight-spored, clavate, short pedunculate, without an apical apparatus, thin-walled, unitunicate, deliquescing early.
Ascospores: 20-81 × 4-8 μm, cylindrical or clavate, broader at the apex, tri-septate, not or slightly constricted at the septa, hyaline. Appendages three or four, rarely five, radiating on the lower end, 19-34 × 1.5-3 μm, semi-rigid, straight or slightly curved, with a thick base, tapering towards the apex. Asexual morph Undetermined.
Culture: -
Anamorph: undetermined.
Key references:
Abdel-Wahab MA, Pang KL, Nagahama T, Abdel-Aziz FA, Jones EBG. (2010) Phylogenetic evaluation of the marine Cirrenalia and Cumulospora species in the Lulworthiales, with the description of three new anamorphic genera. Mycological Progress 9: 537-558.
Alias SA, Jones EBG. (2000) Colonization of mangrove wood by marine fungi at Kuala Selangor mangrove stand. In: Aquatic Mycology across the Millennium (Hyde KD, Ho WH, Pointing SB, eds.), Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong. pp. 9-21.
Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel-Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015) Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1-72. DOI 10.1007/s13225-015-0339-4.
Sakayaroj J, Pang KL, Jones EBG, Phongpaichit S, Vrijmoed LLP, Abdel-Wahab MA. (2005) A systematic reassessment of the marine ascomycetes: Torpedospora and Swampomyces. Botanica Marina 48: 395-406.
Tan TK, Leong WF, Jones EBG. (1989) Succession of fungi on wood of Avicennia alba and Avicennia lanata in Singapore. Canadian Journal of Botany 67: 2686-2691.
Key to species:
1. Ascospores with appendages at one end, longer than 30 μm T. radiata
1. Ascospores with appendages at both ends, shorter than 25 μm T. ambispinosa
Image: Torpedospora radiata. (a) Section of immersed, ellipsoidal ascoma. (b) Two-layered peridium, outer layer of cells of textura angularis, inner layer of elongated cells. (c) Clavate asci at different stages of development. (d) Ascospore 3-septate, with 4 radiating appendages at one end. Scale bar: a=50 μm; b, d=10 μm; c=30 μm. Photo reproduced with the permission of the National Taiwan Ocean University.