S. Tibell. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift (2016)
Sordariomycetes Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Type and marine species:
Amphitrite annulata S.Tibell, Svensk bot Tidskr 37: 2. (2016).
MycoBank: MB817492 Facesoffungi: N/A
Sexual morph: Ascomata: 140-195 μm in diameter, globose to subpyriform, superficial, black, solitary, ostiolate, on driftwood. Ascoma wall: 15-20 μm thick, consisting of an inner pale part formed by 5-7 layers of strongly flattened, hyaline, thick-walled concentrically arranged cells, the outermost, blackish brown part is formed by 1-2 layers of elongated hyphae that connect with a dark surrounding tissue reaching into the substrate, surrounding tissue consisting of branched and intertwined hyphae, ostiolum central. Asci: eight-spored, thin-walled, ellipsoidal, 52-68 x 16-19 μm with spores 2-3-seriately arranged; spores at maturity ellipsoid, 1-septate, 18-21 x 5.5.5-8 µm, hyaline, with rounded apices without spines and appendages, a 1-2 μm thick ring-like collar encloses the spore at the septum, the collar is strongly light refractive, and seems to be located within the outer surface of the spore wall. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Key to species in the genus: N/A
Notes: Placement of this taxon is incomplete as there is no molecular data and further collections are required to resolve its higher order classification.
Key references:
- Tibell (2016) New records of marine fungi from Sweden. Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 37(2): 43-54.
Jones EBG, Johnson RG, Moss ST (1984) Taxonomic Studies of the Halosphaeriaceae:. Halosphaeria Linder. Bot Mar 27(3):129-143.
Amphitrite annulata. A. Ascomata on driftwood. B. Section of perithecium. Hamathecium partly inverted and positioned in the lower left corner of the figure. C. Perithecium wall. D. Ascus with semi-mature spores and two spores with annulus adhering to it. E–F. Mature spores released from asci. The annulus is indicated with an arrow in Fig. E. A–C: Holotype. D–F: Santesson 12934.