(K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones) K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Mycotaxon 37: 200. 1990.
Sordariomycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Cucullosporella K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Mycotaxon 37: 200 (1990)
Type and marine species:
Cucullosporella mangrovei (K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones) K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Mycotaxon 37: 200. 1990.
=Cucullospora mangrovei (K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones) K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Bot. Mar. 29: 491. 1986.
Saprobic on mangrove wood, sexual morph: Ascomata: 150–220 µm high, 250–380 µm diam., subglobose, ovoid to ellipsoidal, greyish brown to black, coriaceous, immersed, solitary or gregarious, ostiolate. Peridium: 27–45 µm thick, composed of an inner layer of elongate cells and an outer layer of thick–walled rounded cells. Necks: 230–330 µm long, 50–75 µm diam., periphysate. Asci: 180–(212)–250 x 36–(41)–46 µm, thin–walled, unitunicate, 8–spored, clavate, persistent, thickened at the ascus tip with a lens–shaped refractive region, pedicellate. Catenophyses: present. Ascospores: 48–(57)–64 µm x 16–(19)–24 µm, hyaline, fusoid to ellipsoidal, 1–septate, not constricted at the septum, appendaged. Appendages: 6–12 µm x 4–8 µm, arising from an extension of the spore wall, unfurling into fine thread in water.
Description from Pang et al. (2003)
Key references:
Alias SA, Moss ST, Jones EBG (2001). Cucullosporella mangrovei, ultrastructure of ascospsores and their appendages. Mycoscience 42: 405–411.
Hyde KD, Jones EBG (1986). Marine fungi from the Seychelles IV. Cucullospora mangrovei gen. et sp. nov. from dead mangroves. Botanica Marina. 29: 491–495.
Jones EBG, Hyde KD (1990). Observations on poorly known mangrove fungi and a nomenclatural correction. Mycotaxon. 37: 197–201.
Pang KL, Vrijmoed LLP, Kong RYC, Jones EBG (2003). Lignincola and Nais, polyphyletic genera of the Halosphaeriales (Ascomycota). Mycol Progr 2: 29–36.
Sakayaroj J, Pang KL, Jones EBG (2011). Multi–gene phylogeny of the Halosphaeriaceae: its ordinal status, relationships between genera and morphological character evolution. Fungal Diversity 46: 87–109.