Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm., Mycological Research 92 (4): 418 (1989)
Sordariomycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Moana Kohlm. & Volkm.–Kohlm., Mycological Research 92 (4): 418 (1989)
Type and marine species:
Moana turbinulata Kohlm. & Volkm.–Kohlm., Mycological Research 92 (4): 418 (1989)
Index Fungorum Number: 135942 Faceoffungi Number: N/A
Saprobic on wood, Sexual morph: Ascomata 300–450 pm diam., subglobose, immersed, ostiolate, papillate, coriaceous, cream–coloured, single. Necks 250–800 µm long, 80–115 µm wide, ostiolar canal filled with periphyses. Peridium 20–27 µm thick, composed of about 6 layers of polygonal cells, forming a textura angularis, merging with the thin–walled pseudoparenchymatous cells. Catenophyses developing from the pseudoparenchyma that originally fills the central cavity. Asci 70–95 x 25–35 µm, 8–spored, clavate, pedunculate, rounded at the top, without a pore, non–amyloid, thin–walled, unitunicate, more or less persistent, maturing successively on an ascogenous tissue at the bottom of the locule. Ascospores 12.5–16.0 µm, subglobose, one–celled, hyaline, containing one large lipid body staining a deep blue in Sudan Black B surrounded by numerous small non–lipoid droplets with a single, top–shaped appendage. Appendages 4–5 µm high, 6.5–8 µm diam., unfurling in water to form tapering ribbons, 250–550 µm long, 1.5–3 µm wide, staining blue in methylene and cotton blue.
Description based on Kohlmeyer & Volkmann–Kohlmeyer 1989
Key references:
Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann–Kohlmeyer B (1987). Thalassogena, a new ascomycetous genus in the Halosphaeriaceae. Systema Ascomycetum 6, 223–228.
Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann–Kohlmeyer B (1989). Hawaiian marine fungi, including two new genera of Ascomycotina. Mycological Research. 92(4): 410–421.