E.B.G. Jones, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 48 (2): 287 (1965)
Sordariomycetes, Subclass Hypocreomycetidae
Halonectria E.B.G. Jones, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 48 (2): 287 (1965)
Type and marine species:
Halonectria milfordensis E.B.G. Jones, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 48 (2): 287 (1965)
Index Fungorum number: 331648 Faceoffungi number:N/A
Saprobic on marine wood, sexual morph: ascomata perithecial, 162-250 x 162- I80 µm, solitary immersed to partly immersed in the substratum, sometimes superficial due to the erosion of the wood, globose to subglobose, thin-walled, aparaphysate, bright orange to orange brown, no setae, with long necks which protrude from the wood, and measure 108-252(-280) x 30-50(-72) µm. Asci clavate, 8-spored, deliquescing very rapidly at maturity, unitunicate, 21.5-28.5 x 4-6.5 µm. Ascospores 18-28·8 x 2-3.5 µm, hyaline, fusiform, sometimes lunate or falcate, one celled and guttulate. Ascospores lacking appendages. Asexual morph: pycnidial 140-170 µm high, 45-55 µm diam., obpyriform or cylindrical, partly immersed or superficial, ostiolate, coriaceaous, pale reddish brown, solitary or gregarious. Conidiophores elongate, simple producing conidia singly.
Key references:
Jones EBG (1965). Halonectria milfordensis gen. et sp.nov., a marine pyrenomycete on submerged wood. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 48(2): 287–290.
Rossman AY, Samuels GJ, Rogerson CT, Lowen R (19990). Genera of Bionectriaceae, Hypocreaceae and Nectriaceae (Hypocreales. Ascomycetes). Studies in Mycology 42: 3–238.
Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD, Rajeshkumar KC, Hawksowrth DL, Madrid H et al. (2017). Notes for genera: Ascomycota. Fungal Diversity 86: 1–594.