(Feldmann) R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1203 (2007)
Flamingomyces R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1202 (2007)
Type nod marine species:
Flamingomyces ruppiae (Feldmann) R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1203 (2007)
≡ Melanotaenium ruppiae Feldmann, Revue Générale de Botanique 66: 36 (1959)
Index Fungorum number: 510842 Faceoffungi number: N/A
Sori developing in air chambers of the inner cortex of the stem and in air chambers on both sides of the median vein in the base of the leaves of the host. Spores (chalmydospores) 12-25 µm long, 12-13 µm in diam., globose or ovoid, often irregular in outline, dark fuscous black in mass.
Key references:
Bauer R, Lutz M, Piatek M, Vánky K, Oberwinkler F (2007). Flamingomyces and Parvulago, two new genera of ustilagomycotinous species from marine enviroment. Mycological Research. 111(10): 1199–1206.
Feldmann G (1959). Une ustilaginale marine, parasite du Ruppia maritima L. Revue Génerale de Botanique. 66:35–38.