(Durieu) R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1203 (2007)
Parvulago R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1203 (2007)
Type and marine species:
Parvulago marina (Durieu) R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Piatek, Vánky & Oberw., Mycological Research 111 (10): 1203 (2007)
≡ Ustilago marina Durieu, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot.: 134 (1866)
Index Fungorum Number: 510844 Faceoffungi Number: N/A
Sori at the base of the host culms in the form of bullate or onion-shaped swellings, covered by the epidermis and containing black, agglutinated spore masses; spores single. Sori without peridia.
Key references:
Durieu (1886). Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 5 5: 134
Bauer R, Lutz M, Piatek M, Vánky K, Oberwinkler F (2007). Flamingomyces and Parvulago, two new genera of ustilagomycotinous species from marine enviroment. Mycological Research. 111(10): 1199–1206.
Va´nky K (1994). European Smut Fungi. Gustav FischerVerlag, Stuttgart.