




Nagah. & Hamam., International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (1): 297 (2006)








Rhodotorula F.C. Harrison, Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3 21(5): 349 (1927)

Type species:

Rhodotorula glutinis (Fresen.) F.C. Harrison, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 22: 190 (1928)

Marine species:

Rhodotorula pacifica Nagah. & Hamam., International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (1): 297 (2006)

Index Fungorum Number: 356948               Faceoffungi number: N/A

In YM broth (Difco) after 3 days culture at 25°C, cells are ovoidal to ellipsoidal (2–4x3–6 mm) and occur singly or in parent–bud pairs. A sediment and thin ring are formed after 1 month. After 1 month on YM agar at 25°C, streak culture is light pink to light orange, glistening, soft to slimy and has a complete margin. In Dalmau plate cultures on cornmeal agar (Difco), no branching hyphae or pseudohyphae are formed. Fermentation ability is negative. The following carbon compounds are assimilated: D-glucose, galactose, L-sorbose (weak), sucrose, maltose, cellobiose, trehalose, raffinose, melezitose, D-xylose, L-arabinose, D-arabinose, D-ribose, L-rhamnose (or weak), ethanol, glycerol, ribitol, galactitol, D-mannitol, D-glucitol (or weak), methyl a-D-glucoside, salicin, glucono-d-lactone, DL-lactic acid (weak), succinic acid, citric acid and D-galacturonic acid (weak); no growth occurs on melibiose, lactose, inulin, soluble starch, erythritol, inositol, 2-ketogluconic acid, 5- ketogluconic acid or D-glucuronic acid. The nitrogen compounds potassium nitrate, sodium nitrite, ethylamine, lysine and cadaverine are assimilated. Growth occurs at 35 but not at 40°C. Thiamin is required for growth. No growth occurs on 50% glucose/yeast extract agar or in the presence of 100 p.p.m. cycloheximide. Growth occurs in the presence of 10% sodium chloride. No starch-like substances are produced. Diazonium blue B reaction is positive. Urease activity is positive. The nuclear DNA G+C content is 57.5– 57.8 mol% (by HPLC). The major ubiquinone is Q-10.


Key references:

Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel–Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015). Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1–72.

Nagahama T, Hamamoto M, Horikoshi K (2006). Rhodotorula pacifica sp. nov., a novel yeast species from sediment collected on the deep–sea floor of the north–west Pacific Ocean. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 56(1): 295–299.

Wang, Q.M.; Yurkov, A.M.; Göker, M.; Lumbsch, H.T.; Leavitt, S.D.; Groenewald, M.; Theelen, B.; Liu, X.Z.; Boekhout, T.; Bai, F.Y. 2015. Phylogenetic classification of yeasts and related taxa within Pucciniomycotina. Studies in Mycology. 81:149–189.



List of marine Rhodotorula species:

  1. R. aurantiaca (Saito) Lodder, Verh. K. Akad. Wet., tweede sect. 32: 78 (1934)
  2. 2. R. bogoriensis (Deinema) Arx & Weijman, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 45(4): 554 (1979)
  3. R. evergladensis Fell, Statzell & Scorzetti, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 99(3): 547 (2011)
  4. R. glutinis (Fresen.) F.C. Harrison, Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3 21(5): 349 (1928)
  5. 5. graminis Di Menna, J. Gen. Microbiol. 18: 270 (1958)
  6. R. ingeniosa (Di Menna) Arx & Weijman, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 45(4): 554 (1979)
  7. R. lactosa T. Haseg., J. gen. appl. Microbiol., Tokyo 5: 31 (1959)
  8. R. marina Phaff, Mrak & O.B. Williams, Mycologia 44(4): 436 (1952)
  9. R. mucilaginosa (A. Jörg.) F.C. Harrison, Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, ser. 3 21(5): 349 (1928)
  10. R. pacifica Nagah. & Hamam., Intern. J. System. Evolutionary Microbiol. 56 (1): 297 (2006)
Type & Location:
Other Specimens:
Isolated from deep-sea floor sediments, Yap Trench, Pacific Ocean.
Pertinent Literature:
NOTES: This genus is strongly polyphyletic with species spanning three classes: Microbotryomycetes, Cystobasidiomycetes and Exobasidiomycetes, and taxonomic changes can be expected in the future. Currently, 15 Rhodotorula species are accepted by Wang et al. (2016) of which ten have been reported from marine habitats on various substrates and in seawater (Jones et al. 2015 and website).


Mushroom Research Foundation 
Chiang Rai 


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