(C.F. Chang & S.M. Liu) A.M. Yurkov, Studies in Mycology 81: 121 (2015)
Solicoccozyma X.Z. Liu, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout, Studies in Mycology 81: 121 (2015)
Type species:
Solicoccozyma aeria (Saito) X.Z. Liu, F.Y. Bai, M. Groenew. & Boekhout., Studies in Mycology 81: 121 (2015).
Marine species:
Solicoccozyma keelungensis (C.F. Chang & S.M. Liu) A.M. Yurkov, Studies in Mycology 81: 121 (2015)
= Cryptococcus keelungensis C.F. Chang & S.M. Liu, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 58: 2974. 2008.
Index Fungorum number: 812202 Face of fungi number: N/A
The genus is characterised as basidiocarps absent. Sexual reproduction with holobasidia may be present. Pseudohyphae and true hyphae occasionally produced. Clamp connections may be present on dikaryotic hyphae. Haustorial branches not observed. Budding cells present. Ballistoconidia absent. Fermentation absent. Nitrate utilised. Starch–like compounds usually not produced. The major CoQ system CoQ–10.
Description based on Liu et al. (2015).
Key references:
Chang CF, Lee CF, Liu SM (2008). Cryptococcus keelungensis sp. nov., an anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast isolated from the sea–surface microlayer of the north–east coast of Taiwan. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 58: 2973–2976.
Fonseca A, Boekhout T, Fell JW (2011). Cryptococcus Vuillemin (1901). In: The yeasts: a taxonomic study (Kurtzman CP, Fell JW, Boekhout T, eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam: 1661–1737.
Liu X.–Z, Wang QM, Göker M. Groenewald M, Kachalkin AV. Lumbsch HT, Millanes AM, Wedin M, Yurkov AM, Boekhout T, Bai FY (2015.) Towards an integrated phylogenetic classification of the Tremellomycetes. Studies in Mycology. 81:85–147.
Tanimura A, Takashima M, Sugita T, et al. (2014). Cryptococcus terricola is a promising oleaginous yeast for biodiesel production from starch through consolidated bioprocessing. Scientific Reports 4: 4776.
Yurkov AM, Inacio J, Chernov IY, et al. (2015). Yeast biogeography and the effects of species recognition approaches: the case study of widespread basidiomycetous species from birch forests in Russia. Current Microbiology 70: 587–601.