Kohlm., 1977. Rev. Mycol., 41: 199.
Allescheriella Henn., Hedwigia 36: 244 (1897)
Type species:
Allescheriella uredinioides Henn., Hedwigia 36: 244 (1897)
Marine species:
Allescheriella bathygena Kohlm., 1977. Rev. Mycol., 41: 199.
Index Fungorum Number: 308468 Faceoffungi Number: N/A
Saprobic on wood, Asexual morph: Hyphae: 2-5 µm in diam., septate, brown, immersed, forming sporodochia. Stroma: 40-50 µm high, 80-130 µm in diam., pulvinate, partly immersed, pseudoparenchymatous, composed of polygonal, thin-walled cells with large lumina, forming a textura angularis, producing conidia on the surface. Conidiogenous cells: 20-4 µm, monoblastic, terminal, determinate, cylindrical, straight, hyaline to light brown, arising from the upper cells of the stroma. Conidia: 17-24 x 6.5-9 µm, acrogenous, solitary, ellipsoidal, to fusiform with rounded ends, one-celled, thick-walled (especially at the apices), smooth, light-brown. Sexual morph: Undetermined.
Description based on Kohlmeyer (1977).
Key references:
Kohlmeyer J (1977). New genera and species of higher fungi from the deep sea (1615–5315 m). Revue de Mycologie. 41(2): 189–206.
Raghukumar C, Raghukumar S (1998). Barotolerance of fungi isolated from deep sea sediments of the Indian Ocean. Aquat. Microb. Ecology 15: 153–163.