Kohlm., 1973. Bot. Mar., 16: 210.
Dothideomycetes, Subclass Dothideomycetidae
Pharcidia Körb., Parerga lichenologica. Ergänzungen zum Systema lichenum Germaniae: 469 (1865)
Type species:
Pharcidia congesta Körb., Parerga lichenologica. Ergänzungen zum Systema lichenum Germaniae: 470 (1865)
Marine species:
Pharcidia rhachiana Kohlm., 1973. Bot. Mar., 16: 210.
Symbiotic, Sexual morph: Ascomata: 52-140 μm high, 70-155 μm diam., solitary, small, globose to ellipsoidal, often apically flattened, ostolate, periphysate, epapillate, dark. Peridium: partially thick around the ostiole, composed of thick-walled, subglobose, or near the center, flattened cells. Paraphyses: numerous, often hanging downward into ascomata cavity. Asci: 8-spored, 29-40 x 9-12.5 μm, elongate-clavate, weakly pedunculate, thick-walled, unitunicate. Ascospores: 12.5-20.5 x 4-5 μm, ellipsoidal or elongate, one-septate in the center, hyaline, without appendages (gelatinous cap-like and at both ends). Asexual morph: pycnidial with conidia/spermatia 1.5 x0.5 μm. Aseptate, hyaline.
Key references:
Borse BD, Bhat DJ, Borse KN, Tuwas AR, Pawar NS (2012). Marine Fungi of India. Broadway Book Centre, India.
Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel–Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015) Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1–72.
Kohlmeyer J (197). Fungi from marine algae. Botanica Marina. 16:201–215.
Kohlmeyer J, Kohlmeyer E (1979). Marine mycology. The higher fungi. Academic Press, New York, 690 p.
Kohlmeyer J, Volkmann–Kohlmeyer B (1991). Illustrated key to the filamentous marine fungi. Botanica Marina 34: 1–61.
Körber GW (1865). Parerga lichenologica. Ergänzungen zum Systema lichenum Germaniae.: 385–501.
Vainio EA (1921). Lichenographia Fennia I. Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica. 49(2): 1–274.
Key to the marine Pharcidia species:
1. On calcareous shells of marine molluscs and cirripedes Ph. balani
1. On the surface of brown algae (Phaeophyta) 2
2. Ascospores with apical cap–like appendages, ascospores wider than 6 μm Ph. laminariicola
2. Ascospores lacking appendages, diameter less than 6 μm Ph. rhachiana