(Poonyth, K.D. Hyde, Aptroot & Peerally) Aptroot & K.D. Hyde, Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7): 108 (2002)
Dothideomycetes, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae
Lophiostoma Ces. & De Not., Commentario della Società Crittogamologica Italiana 1 (4): 219 (1863)
Type species:
Lophiostoma macrostomum (Tode) Ces. & De Not., Commentario della Società Crittogamologica Italiana 1 (4): 219 (1863)
Marine species:
Lophiostoma rhizophorae (Poonyth, K.D. Hyde, Aptroot & Peerally) Aptroot & K.D. Hyde, Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7): 108 (2002)
≡Massarina rhizophorae Poonyth, K.D. Hyde, Aptroot & Peerally, Fungal Diversity 3: 144 (1999)
Index Fungorum Number: 375331 Faceoffungi number:N/A
Saprobic, Sexual morph: Ascomata 140–160 high um, 90-120 um diam., partially immersed, obovoid, necks appearing as black cones on substrate surface, solitary or gregarious. Neck short, with a rounded ostiole, ca. 20 um diam., periphysate. Pseudoparaphyses branched, numerous, anastomosing above asci, embedded in a gelatinous matrix. Asci 70–86 x 12–14 um, 8–spored, cylindrical to clavate, short pedicellate, fissitunicate, thick-walled; apex rounded with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 22–28(–33) x 4.5–6.5 um, overlapping uniseriate or biseriate, narrowly fusiform with pointed ends, hyaline, guttulate, 1–septate, not constricted at the septum; surrounded by a 1 um thick mucilaginous sheath protracted to 2–6 um at ends, ending bluntly.
Key references:
Aptroot A (1998). A world revision of Massarina (Ascomycota). Nova Hedwigia 66: 89–162.
Gnavi G, Ercole E, Panno L, Vizzini A, Varese GC (2014). Dothideomycetes and Leotiomycetes sterile mycelia isolated from the Italian seagrass. SpringerPlus 2014, 3:508.
Hyde KD, Wong WSW, Aptroot A (2002). Marine and estuarine species of Lophiostoma and Massarina. In: Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7). :93–109.
Poonyth AD, Hyde KD, Aptroot A, Peerally A (1999). Three new species of Massarina associated with terrestrial, non-marine parts of mangroves. Fungal Diversity. 3:139–146.
Key to marine Lophiostoma species:
1. Species saprobic on the fern Acrostichum speciosum L. acrostichi
1. Species on other substrata 2
2. Species saprobic on Rhizophora mucronata L. rhizophorae
2. Species isolated as endophytes of marine plants L. corticola