(K.D. Hyde) Aptroot & K.D. Hyde, Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7): 106 (2002)
Dothideomycetes, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae
Lophiostoma Ces. & De Not., Commentario della Società Crittogamologica Italiana 1 (4): 219 (1863)
Type species:
Lophiostoma macrostomum (Tode) Ces. & De Not., Commentario della Società Crittogamologica Italiana 1 (4): 219 (1863)
Marine species:
Lophiostoma acrostichi (K.D. Hyde) Aptroot & K.D. Hyde, Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7): 106 (2002)
≡Massarina acrostichi K.D. Hyde, Mycological Research 93: 437 (1989)
Index Fungorum Number: 375242 Faces of Fungi: N/A
Saprobic, sexual morph: Ascomata 300-600 /um diam., conical, immersed, with an erumpent ostiole. Hamathecium consisting of branched, septate pseudoparaphyses, sparsely anastomosing above the asci, filaments c. 2 um wide. Ascospores fusiform (l-3-septate (17-)24-28(-33) x 6-10 um, with a median constriction, not constricted at the additional septa, middle cells equal, broader but shorter than end cells, ends pointed, surrounded by a 3-5 um thick gelatinous sheath. Senescent ascospores pale brownish and ornamented with small warts. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Key references:
Hyde KD (1989). Intertidal fungi from the mangrove fern, Acrostichum speciosum, including Massarina acrostichi sp. nov. Mycological Research. 93:435–438
Hyde KD, Wong WSW, Aptroot A (2002). Marine and estuarine species of Lophiostoma and Massarina. In: Fungi in Marine Environments (Fungal Diversity Research Series 7). :93–109.
Key to marine Lophiostoma species:
1. Species saprobic on the fern Acrostichum speciosum L. acrostichi
1. Species on other substrata 2
2. Species saprobic on Rhizophora mucronata L. rhizophorae
2. Species isolated as endophytes of marine plants L. corticola