(Berl.) S. Schatz, 1984. Can. J. Bot.., 62: 31.
Dothideomycetes, Subclass Pleosporomycetidae
Lautitia S. Schatz, Canadian Journal of Botany 62 (1): 31 (1984
Type species:
Lautitia danica (Berl.) S. Schatz, 1984. Can. J. Bot.., 62: 31.
Index Fungorum Number: Faceoffungi number:
= Leptosphaeria danica Berl., Icones Fung., 1: 87 (1892).
= Leptosphaeria chondri Rosenv., Bot. Tidsskr., 27: 35 (1906).
= Leptosphaeria marina Rostr. Bot. Tidsskr., 17: 234 (1889).
≡ Didymosphaeria danica (Berl.) Wilsans & Knoyle, Trans. Br. Mycol.
Soc., 44: 55 (1961).
= Sphaerella chondri H. L. Jones, Oberlin Coll. Lab., 9: 3 (1898).
= Guiganardia chondri (H. L. Jones) Estee, Publ. Staz. Zool. Napoli, 15: 378 (1936).
Sexual morph ascomata: 125-267 mm high, 110-300 mm in diam, ampulliform to subglobose, immersed, confined to cystocarps and tetrasporic pustules of Chondrus crispus, ostiolate, papillate, coriaceous, pale, except for the black pseudoclypeus, gregarious. Peridium: composed of interwoven hyphae, small-celled, indistinct above, particularly in the ostiolar region. Necks: elongate, conical or cylindrical. Pseudoparaphyses: thin, septate, simple or branched, attached at both ends. Asci: 70-94 x 10-15 mm, 8-spored, subcalvate to subcylindrical, short pendunculate, thick-walled, bitunicate, physoclastic; developing at the base and lower side of the ascomata venter. Ascospores: 33-40 x 5-7 mm, irregularly biseriate, elongate fusiform, 1-septate below the center; lower cell cylindrical, rounded; upper cell broad in the lower half and pointed apically; slightly constricted at the septum, hyaline, but also becoming pale yellowish in age, no sheath or appendages. Spermagonia: 100-192 x 63-113 mm. Spermatiophores: 16-18 mm long. Spermatia: 4 x 1 mm, oblong to ellipsoidal, 1-celled, hyaline, originating in mucilaginous, basipetal strings at the apices of the spermatiophores. The genus is monotypic (Jones et al., 2009a). Asexual morph: Undetermined (Description: Based on Kohlmeyer & Kolhmeyer (1979)).
Key references:
Jones EBG, Pang KL, Stanley SJ (2012) Fungi on marine algae. In: Marine Fungi and fungal-like organisms (eds. Jones EBG, Pang KL), De Gruyter, Berlin, pp 329-344.
Jones EBG, Suetrong S, Sakayaroj J, Bahkali AH, Abdel-Wahab MA, Boekhout T, Pang KL (2015) Classification of marine Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Blastocladiomycota and Chytridiomycota. Fungal Diversity 73: 1-72.
Kohlmeyer J, Kohlmeyer E (1979) Marine Mycology: The higher fungi. Academic Press, New York.
Maria GL, Sridhar KR (2003) Endophytic fungal assemblage of two halophytes from west coast mangrove habitats, India. Czech mycological 55: 241-251.
Schatz S (1984) The life history, developmental morphology, and taxonomy of Lautitia danica, gen. nov., comb. nov. Canadian Journal of Botany. 62(1):28-32.
Stanley SJ (1992) Observations on the seasonal occurrence of marine endophytic and parasitic fungi. Can J Bot 70: 2089–2096.
Wilson IM, Knoyle JM (1961) Three species of Didymosphaeria on marine algae: D. danica (Berlese) comb. nov., D. pelvetiana Suth. and D. fucicola Suth. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 44: 55-71.